
I still can't imagine a programmer genuinely getting something out of writing tests

like are you even writing software you'd use if you're writing tests?

I can't be sure of its buglessness unless I can put the whole thing in my head and rapid bounce ideas at the construct. writing all those out into code would be exhausting / neurotically excessive and ultimately an unmaintainable mess

and otherwise I can't think of any use for tests other than that they can be used to document the specs, which if you're working on your own code and not in a corporate team isn't that big of a problem

  • 5
    I test most software, it's kinda part of my definition of done. As long it's not tested, it's not finished. You can describe people how your app works, but you can also proof it by writing the tests. On top, tests are the best documentation. Also, I often find a bug while creating the test. Often enough not to skip it.

    So yeah, I like tests.
  • 1
    The best example of useful tests for me is trapdoor functions, where going from the answer to the question is easy but going from the question to the answer is hard. I'm trying to get the answer, create answers with know questions, give code questions. Math questions, not people questions.
  • 6
    I can‘t imagine a programmer not understanding the value of tests.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I've seen way too many programmers w/ the

    'I'm a programmer - I write code; It's the tester's job to test it.'


    Builds !booting is one of the more common results of that.
  • 1
    @D-4got10-01 do you know the ci-game for jenkins for example (Jenkins, whaha, is it the 90's?) that will make them not failing builds:


    ####Rules The rules of the game are:

    -10 points for breaking a build

    0 points for breaking a build that already was broken

    +1 points for doing a build with no failures (unstable builds gives no points)

    -1 points for each new test failures

    +1 points for each new test that passes Rules that depend on other plugins:

    #####PMD Plugin. link

    Adding/removing a HIGH priority warning = -5/+5.

    Adding/removing a MEDIUM priority warning = -3/+3.

    Adding/removing a LOW priority warning = -1/+1.
  • 1
    @retoor I know, now!


    Reminds me of a Visual Studio gamification plugin that would enable Achievements.

  • 0
    I'm writing an open source software that allows AP CSP students to write code the same way it'll be presented on the exam. Tests are VERY useful to me in helping me insure the language works and debugging potential issues.
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    @MammaNeedHummus tests got shots thrown at. Come on love, show her what u got.
  • 4
    I use tests because when I inevitably fuck something up, there's at least some chance I'll notice before people start complaining.

    If you never make mistakes, writing tests is a waste of your talents.

    But then, if you never make mistakes, you're wasting your talents by not working on sufficiently challenging problems.

    So either way, you should be using tests.
  • 2
    @jestdotty the point of gists are that they're snippets right? But feel free to click around and enjoy the magic world of Retoor, where code & magic comes together. Who writes tests for snippets? Ragnar has unit tests. Four complete ones!
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    @jestdotty watch out, source code on my site can make you program Python or C, cooler than JS / Rust :P
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    @jestdotty Did I hurt your feelings by replying with the same arrogant tone as you are using in all of your rants? I‘m terribly sorry!
  • 0
    @jestdotty What I wrote is not more toxic than what you wrote. It’s up to your interpretation. And you chose to interpret it that way.
  • 4
    @Lensflare @jestdotty imagine if you two would bang. Would be hardcore.

    Phew, getting it warm already.
  • 0
    @jestdotty you are misinterpreting much more than you claim that I am misinterpreting.

    And you said so much more stuff than me that‘s up for interpretation.

    You seem to still not realize that you are doing all of what you accusing me of.

    Read your rant again. Read my first comment again.
    Now tell me that you are not misinterpreting me by writing the wall of accusations from your hatred for me.
  • 0
    @jestdotty Btw what are you even talking about with your out of context crap?
    I haven‘t quoted you (also not partly) and all of the context is here in this rant. How can I make you look bad out of context?

    Man, making sense of your ramblings is really hard.
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    I'll just leave this pic...
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