
I'm gonna have a job interview in my dream company tomorrow.
Agile, Java, an awesome atmosphere and much to learn.
I hope I will get that job.

  • 3
    Good luck
  • 4
    All the best. Let us know how it went
  • 2
    Wish you all the best! It's essential to be motivated in our profession
  • 1
    Good luck!
  • 1
    Good luck! I am sure you will get the job!
  • 1
    Good Luck
  • 1
    Good Luck, im keeping my fingers crossed:-)
  • 0
    On my way now.
    Will tell you how it was in two hours.
  • 1
    A very nice company and very nice people.
    I would really like to work there.
    I was nervous and had some knowledge gaps which is ok as a junior developer.
    I hope they got the right impression, that I am willing and motivated to learn more. To become a professional.
  • 3
    I did not get the job
  • 2
    @SAM41 Damn! I'm sorry man. Better luck next time.
  • 1
    Sorry to hear man, it happens to everyone just keep on trying we all in the same boat. Don't feel bad about it because it's not worth it!
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