I hate that I can't enjoy anything

it's like I'm cursed

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    sorry sweetie <3 you deserve to feel happiness like most people do.
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    You need some goal to do and achieving that will give some dopemine. Try to celebrate all little progress. Celebrate every monent that you didn't waste time and did smth to help yourself, ergo, educative. I pick out software that I want to reinvent with some slight changes. While most times not better than original, you still end up with a shitload of knowledge and dopemine. It always keeps me busy :) I love every moment of dem day.
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    @retoor yeah that doesn't work because I would habitually force myself in the past because I had to. I don't get dopamine out of this I just get pettiness, and it's a really bad habit that I need to break. easy for me to go back in it and then I'm a zombie
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    Can't enjoy OP because of neuro chemicals working against you or defense mechanisms protecting you from pain/disappointment?

    How about a nice long wee or roll around the bed or a walk or fap?
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    a human body _has_ to enjoy two things: tasty food and good consensual sex. If neither brings you joy, you _are_ clinically depressed. If you want to enjoy life, you _have_ to seek medical help. If you don't trust medicine, do the following:

    - Get eight hours or more worth of high-quality sleep every day

    - Do a light exercise every day. A 5,000 step walk is good enough. Heavier exercises work better, namely 1k/2k runs and lifting weights, but you have to do them every other day, not every single day.

    - Shower every single day

    - Cut nicotine, illegal stimulants, weed (unless prescribed), caffeine (including teas). Caffeine withdrawal caused me one week of headaches followed by one week of constant tiredness, but after that I was full of energy every day. I still am

    All of those things are proven to work, and they _will_ work unconditionally for every single human being on this planet, with no exception.
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    @kiki nah, it's very persnal what you're stating here. I literally can't sleep that much, eating was never my biggest hobby and wasn't depressed at all, started to appreciate food on later age, caffeine doesn't have any effect on me, working I drink a lot, privately none, but yh, now not drinking for months but don't feel different, it's not alcohol, I hate weed but a lot of people function better on it.

    It's just not true that it works on everyone. It's commonly so but none of them are a golden hammer. Many exception. Especially regarding sleep, there is a perfect amount of sleep different for everyone. Even the years that I did drink a lot I didn't sleep 8 hours. I will never trust medicine and concluded it's just drugs from a different supplier not allowed to be fun. I'm probably on haldol for life because it's too dangerous to stop. I won't hypocritical pretend to care oh so much about my health now but it's unhealthy as fuck. The drug dealers made a vast customer. Fuckers.
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    @retoor try sleeping 3 hrs a day, do drugs, smoke, drink, never get out of bed, never shower, never exercise. You will feel worse
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    @retoor if you’re fine right now, congratulations, you’re going your body good already. Whatever’s left of my list will only get you marginal gains. Yet doing this list will be life changing for those less fortunate
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    @kiki generic Google advice and not how my body works. kind of annoying. I have tried the things on the list tho, because they are unsolicited recommended x500 times. it is annoying you think generic advice "always works"

    trying to sleep normal gives me anxiety and depression. I've never slept normal. I sleep 10 hours a day, I just can't wake up before noon and go to bed at best 4 am. you can blame my mother for that, is just how my circadian rhythm got set up or something. it's called delayed phase sleep and by this rate it's acknowledged it causes distress to try to fix it

    I shower when my skin gets oily or I'm dirty, which is generally every 2-3 days in the winter. I don't not shower. I also do laundry regularly and keep everything clean because I'm not disgusting. I'm not depressed, and I consume recreational drugs pretty infrequently, and I've told you already in the past that tea and coffee don't do any such things for me
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    if I were to self diagnose it would have to do with cognitive issues, cultural pushes, and also my own complicity in the manner

    I have a hardcore mindset where i try to push through things and then don't notice when I break myself. I also score extremely highly on emotional alienation, which is code for being socially excluded / never fitting in. this causes me to have low social self-esteem and I often defer to the life advice of others to keep the peace, which burns me out because I don't argue with them and instead try what they say when all advice really does not work for all people and people are literally dumb as all fuck and full of misinformation and literal deadends

    I was trained that if I did what people wanted they would leave me alone to do what I wanted, but that was my mother's rules and not the world's. in the real world if you do what people want they don't reward you, they instead force more of you out of you until there's nothing left in you and you derealize
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    @jestdotty you’re on fast track to suicide. Seek help.
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    @jestdotty about my advice being generic… well, I said everything I wanted to say. You read it. Now your brain knows what to do. My work here is done
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    @kiki yeah thanks for telling me I'm gonna suicide
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