
Got a bit distracted today. Instead of doing what I've wanted, I created the most comfortable way to make a site ever. I'm serious. It beats all those static site generators.

Hmm, could even make a static site generator of this one. Won't do, no benefit.

It's by using markdown and it has support for syntax highlighting of many languages. A website could be literary:

# My blog

## some code

printf("This is my C code");

And you already have something decent. See the 'Get started' section. You have a site running in no time. See also the Python database example at the bottom, it shows you how to use the internal sqlite3 database in your 'static' site and how to create a visitor counter!

Sky's the limit.

I came up with the idea by teaching my next door neighbor HTML and that was succesfull. She is able to navigate trough files and folders and edit a file like most people. Then I realized, if it was markdown, it would be really user friendly for anyone to use. To create a decent site, you only need to make a stylesheet for someone. By using # ## ### #### headings, it will always be in your designed style.

People won't fuck your site up like they do with WYSIWYG normally.

The concept is so simple, I only see advantages and it could be used for small and big content sites. It doesn't do caching on purpose, overkill and it's more comfortable this way.

Here is project link: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/dreamii

  • 0
    Yeah. This has been available a while. It's a fun tool. I used it recently for my company's software installation guide. Now I use it strictly for making and updating our guides.
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