
looking for a new, bigger car to fit all my fam in. I never thought I'd even consider a brand-new car, from the dealer. And here's me, looking at the VW Tayron, which has not even been released yet, and seriously considering getting one.

Thanks to decent salaries in our industry.
I don't think I'd ever be there had I gone through with my M.D. career.

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    I transport my whole family on a bicycle. Everyone on the bicycle complains.

    Edit: yh, salaries in this industry are insane, why being a hard worker, I do feel guilty bringing more home than people working on construction or a teacher that has responsibility for many kids. But teachers are not the people it were before anymore. Source: my dad who was a teacher. Everything is about having 'fun' education, so now they're paid for having 'fun'. It's fair I guess.
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    @retoor bikes are good as long as long distances [100s of km] and/or little children and/or plenty of luggage and/or babies and/or emergency drives and/or drives in shitty conditions [ice, snow, strong cold wind and rain in November, etc.] and/or passengers with mobility issues and/or all-fam drives at night [out of the city] aren't involved.
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    @retoor regd salaries -- yes, that's true. I also feel other specialties arebtreated unfairly. Not only their salariesvare cut, they almost always bear incomparebly more responsibilities than we do and still are treated like shit: yelled at by clients, sued for their mistakes, livin on edge all the time.

    I jumped ship. Never wanted to look back, except for seing whether people I left behind are still afloat
  • 1
    Your life @retoor reveals so much that it leaves an almost perfect impression of your character.
    Quirky little gurl.
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    @scor I'm an open book :)

    Edit: I kinda exploit the anonymity here. I could never say a lot of stuff here on facebook. Real me is here, fake me is facebook. Proof: on facebook i don't say a word while in reality i can't shut up :P
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