Laravel accepted my pull request! Ego boost, baby!

  • 3
    Nice one, there are some real egotists on there so you have done a fine job.
  • 0
    I Feel you bro... I got mentioned once in the release logs of zend framework after I only worked with it a few weeks - felt nice :3
  • 0
    Never got a pull request in such a major thing :o (might be because I'm more of a "how do I make it retard proof" than a "how do I make this work efficiently" guy)
  • 1
  • 3
    What did you add?
  • 1
    @Codex404 I added a PHPUnit Constraint to allow PHPUnit to detect that assertSeeInOrder and assertSeeTextInOrder are making assertions. The old versions didn't actually make assertions, so using only those assertions in a test got it marked as risky.
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