
We're fucked guys, we're fucked.

  • 24
    Only if you were careless and said stupid shit on your company slack, and only if your employer is interested to pay enough money for access to it (which most aren't, considering they're usually to cheap to pay us what we're worth or give us a raise).
  • 14
    Don't be a dumbass and say shit that could hurt you on the company slack?

    SMS messaging still exists lol. If you've got some stupid shit to say, say it via SMS or through a private email or some other messaging app. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it imo.
  • 10
    Aaaand that is what you deserve for not encrypting your communication and trusting some cloud service.

    But it will just promote honestly, you should now just call your boss a dick straight in his face because he will read it anyway ;-)

    And Slack is bullshit anyway.
  • 3
    Gonna delete my meme-family channel..
  • 4
    @Agred no don't do it
    A piece of history will be lost
  • 3
    Slack in the streets, discord in the sheets
  • 1
    AES Encryption to the rescue!
  • 10
  • 3
    If I have shit to say about my boss I say it to my boss. If your boss can't take criticism without being defensive asshats then they don't deserve to lead. I've yet to run into a boss that reacts badly. If I did then I'd talk to his boss.
  • 0
  • 0
    //flocks to signal
  • 0
  • 10
    If you didn't assume this was possible already, you're an idiot. Assume everything at work is monitored which is why private convos happen off the company network and devices.
  • 1
    Yeah, you're a fool if you expect personal privacy under the technological umbrella of an employer.
  • 2
    I disagree with all the self righteous pish that people are spouting in this thread.

    I for one actually checked with slack and they confirmed that bosses COULDN’T read private messages in a company slack.

    This is new policy which means something somewhere has changed, and if you thought you were safe before this change then you were actually correct.
  • 0
    @SSDD Mhe, your boss can and always could read your emails. For him to be able to read your slack messages is merely a fix.

    I'm not even talking about the fact that most large companies are using in house proxies, giving them the ability to run a man in the middle at leisure.
  • 1
    @Commodore again I disagree. Reading your company email and reading your slack are wildly different.

    Your company emails are going to a company owned server, administered by them.

    Your Slack is going to slack’s servers, which is a whole world of difference.

    I agree in general about your bosses being able to see your slacks but the comparison to company email is way off.
  • 0
    @SSDD from a technical standpoint sure. From a functional one, no they're not. They're both services provided by a company to its employees and therefore submitted to the same regulations.
  • 0
    @Commodore I’m glad we could both agree that I was right.
  • 1
    I automatically assume my chats are being logged at work. That and it was in the employee handbook.

    My work mates learnt this the hard way. Long story short we we're in a chat and they were rating the women we work with. The logs got shown to everyone at the next quarterly meeting as a part of a inappropriate behavior at work talk.
  • 1
    @SSDD 😂
    Now that's some quality bad faith.
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