"Imagine everyone is an object. You are an object, you are an object, you are an object." My lecturer said while pointing to random students in the class. Oh how I wanted to quip "So you think girls are just objects?" 😂

  • 1
    the ways of the JavaScript.
  • 4
    I could make an SJW joke, but I feel like the good dev people of this community wouldn't really find it rhat funny :/
  • 6
    You object? 😉
  • 4
    @Grexius SJWs are always amusing. 😉
  • 5
    So, what's wrong with 'this'? 😜
  • 2
    You are all objects and I'm the garbage collector! 😁

    So a baby is almost like an empty object too?

    @Grexius please dont hold back SJW jokes, I will stand firmly with you.
  • 0
    @irene even if everyone are objects and girls are objects of type "sexual" ?
    And by that coin boys will be objects of type "assholes" 😁
  • 7
    Well, if humans are objects.
    public class human {
    private bool gender;
    /*value doesn't really mean anything, but the fact that it's a boolean and not a string seems to piss some people off*/
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    @irene they may have an asshole but that doesnt make them an asshole type 😺

    But if you still find it cringy feel free to change it to type "pricks"

    @Grexius totally worth it 😂👍
  • 0
    @Grexius Shouldn't your private gender bool be an enum? 🤔
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    @Lrsen but a bool already has enough storage space 🤔
  • 1
    I said something similar in a Java class, but it wasn't a problem because there were no girls there. Our school had a ratio of 23:940
  • 1
    I would have struggled not to shout out "any of you objects fancy making a child process?"
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