Found it on reddit. I don't know what to say

  • 10
    It had to be an Indian 😂 #amarRaheBakchod
  • 4
    The future is bright..too bright..
  • 2
    Developers¿? Who¿? 😂
  • 3
    I'd love to see his attempt.
  • 1
    I feel obliged to mention AIML which isn't html, But it is a markup language for AIs
  • 3
    What kind of post do you expect from someone named Another Bj?
  • 1
    Microsoft reply Found A when expecting An
  • 2
    "how to make AI in HTML plz send code to someemail@live.co.uk"

    Lol, these guys.
  • 4
    @theElectron the hashtag 😂😂😂
  • 1
    Tell him you can make the best AI ever made, by using CSS.
  • 1
    @adiStrasser I mean, html + css is technically turing complete, so you actually could make an A.I., or anything really with just those two. You'd have to hate yourself to try though. https://stackoverflow.com/questions...
  • 1
    With? Of course. But solely based upon? Fuck off you telephone scam agent that you're probably ending up as.
  • 2
    <!-- HE is from the future -->
  • 1
    It can't be just a coincidence that almost every retarded question like this in the forums is by Indians. I'm not generalizing here, they ask the answers to the assignments of the course in it's own forums even after being warned by the instructers. Same old please sir please teach me how to hack and send me the code. I have a few friends from India but none of them are this stupid.
  • 2
    1. CSS3 is turing complete (http://jsfiddle.net/Camilo/eQyBa/ -- works in chrome).

    2. You could use style tags instead of external css sheets.

    3. You could painstakingly encode (super slow) tensor networks using nothing but styling. The input layer could be checkboxes, the output could be styled elements.

    Arguably, you could argue that you have built an AI within a single HTML file. Although using CSS is cheating I guess, because you could inline JS as well...
  • 1
    @pratyay Too bright that, cant see a thing.. hehe
  • 3
    Hi StackOverflow,
    I just started writing my own AI in HTML, I have the main part but I got some problems. How do you add actual AI to it. Plz help me because I want to be 1337 h4x0r.
  • 2
    Just create an iframe pointed to cleverbot

    *insert mindblown gif in here*
  • 1
    Here, take your gif:


    Ps: *Shooting stars music :v
  • 1
    Reddit? Looks like Facebook to me.
  • 0
    I know someone who has tried it with JavaScript and endless lines of if-cases. And I'm not talking about some JS Frameworks for AI. I'm talking about plain JS. At least she is no real programmer who has learned the basics, so it was forgivable.
  • 0
    @HarleyQuinn Hey Can u remove this or hide the profile pic and name from the meme coz its me who is in the post. I created this post when I was 12 and I am embarrassed about it
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