Who the fuck on earth named it Chef. You idiots, if I google Chef I get people wearing aprons on my browser. And what the fuck is cookbooks, cookbooks for chef returns 60 ways of making chicken. Who on earth has such naming convention for IT DevOps. Recipe, cookbooks, knife. Dafuq is wrong.

  • 25
    But most importantly: who the fuck knows of 60 ways of making chicken?
  • 15
    Maybe the guy wants to be a chef but ended up in the IT industry 😂
  • 1
    Guess you'd prefer to have latin names for everything like in medicine 😎
  • 6
    Chef means boss in German, does that make more sense?
  • 3
    Chocolate salty balls
  • 1
    Have all the up votes! Now Chef, make me a damn sammich.
  • 1
    There's also Butterknife for Android so
  • 2
    @PaulTheSaltyDev ~slowly raises hand~
  • 3
    No lie, I wanted to find a Puppet logo quick for a presentation today and on the first try did a Google image search for "Puppet". -facepalm-
  • 1
    I'm waiting for a page to include how to google their project name, I remember struggling for some time to search for golang when it came out
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