
Just saw an article about a failing attempt at the UK to create a nationwide parking app.
Mostly because the many, *many* parking meter app operators in different markets don't want a single, interoperable standard.
But, there is one all of them must support or stop working entirely.

It is the "room temperature at sea level" standard for any western user interface: point and click, text input, English UI text.
Can't AI be a front-end for that?

This is also a rant about AI. There are sooo fucking many modules for siri or Alexa to be compatible with apps like uber or Spotify. Uh, why? Shouldn't the AI, that claims to he capable of recognizing images and text, just open the app and click on the right buttons?

I know why siri and Alexa and Google assistant and and chatgpt aren't capable of that - because it would free users from UX lock-in, and the corporate overlords would rather shut down the entire fucking internet.
But now with DeepSeek and other open-source moderately useful LLMs, could we finally be nearing the day when we can ditch the millions of marginally different apps and let the AI take over the piloting of their redundant GUIs?

Because then, even if app vendors don't want to work together and end up fucking up the aggregate UX for every smartphone user, we can just flip them the bird and let the AI blur their entire brand identity in the background of a "please wait while I operate some second-page apps to realize your request" message.

  • 1
    There is only one sort of acceptable parking:
  • 1
    God damn if this isn't a subversive idea I don't know what is.

    GO FOR IT! Make the app-that-kills-all-other-bullshit-apps!

    We have your back fearless commander.
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