
think people should be talking about responsibility instead of "altruism" or trying to shame people for not being selfless enough or how some selfish motivation for being selfless means it's invalid... zzzz. seems so self destructive

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    selflessness is a lie
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    Responsibilities are lie. Do what tf you want
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    @antigermanist I second that.
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    I've yet to see a person who tells other's they're not "selfless" enough, that was even remotely selfless. It's always the super manipulative ones
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    Which means there's literally no reason to take anything they say seriously or imto consideration
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    @jestdotty Are you saying every single person on earth says you're not selfless enough? Stop hallucinating and making up what people think about you.
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    @SoldierOfCode I don't have this issue actually

    lots of people have shamed me for being selfish. lots have shamed my bf and he actually was effected by it. for me, when they call me such I see no problem with it. to me it's logical and they're being illogical by viewing it as a negative thing

    but very many people call others selfish. to their face. there's no need to guess. as a general guessing people's opinions are just going to show you your own demons that swim in your own head, no matter the topic
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