
Fuck my manager. >_<

I'm a fresher at a medium-sized company. Our team is relatively new and we don't have a dedicated support team for the product the team developed (before I joined the company).

So when I was allocated to the team, I was put into support, citing it as a good learning experience (and it was). But it's been a few months. And the support work got boring and uninteresting, looking at logs which don't say anything, dumps which are completely normal and most of all, dealing with unresponsive OSEs, when they claim the issue is super critical and really tricky.

Anyway, there was this tool (among other things) that had to be developed as a support tool for our product and I ended up being paired with a guy who ended up being in charge of it. We started working on it slowly, designing and implementing a framework for the tool.

This goes without saying, I love development.

4 days later, my manager says "why are you developing it? Who's gonna look at support issues?"

Fucking hell. I was hired to be a developer and you got me just decide to up and shove me into support for the next 3-6 months while others are at least enhancing our shitty ass product? And I can't even quit for another year and a half because I signed a bond!

Oh, the depression.

  • 3
    Welcome to reality. Life is not fair. You gotta know how to deal with the cards that you're given. Can the bond be breached? Damn bonds just like slavery
  • 5
    Why would one sign a bond? That sounds like a very terrible idea.
  • 6
    I hope you at least get developer pay, because support pay sucks.
    You can use your free time to write code, and after you can put that in your CV.

    But the best thing you could do, is talk to HR about the fact the you are "not challenged" enough in the team. They will give your boss a hard time about that - with two possible outcomes. One, boss rotates the support role to someone else, Two, you get to move to another team.

    Or, you can dilbert the whole thing, wally style. Make sure they need you for everything, while you don't actually do anything.
  • 3
    I just left a company like that, no bond signed though. Hang in there, you’ll land your dream job. What are the penalties for breaching your bond and what country are you in?
  • 2
    @jhh2450 the role sounded really nice at the time. Now the reality sucks.
  • 1
    @juneeighteen we get reported to some organisation which is responsible for handling employee black marks. In order to break the bond and get out of the company, we need to pay about USD 6000 , which is about 80% of a year's pay. Welcome to India!
  • 0
    @dtaposh what the fucking hell? That's around 3-4 lakhs. That's way too much
  • 1
    @py2js LOGGER.debug("Sarcasm Detected");
  • 0
    @dtaposh no sarcasm it's a big amount
  • 1
    @py2js well, then that's the point of a bond, I guess. Make it an unrealistic amount so that people just slug it out. But I've heard a few places take more. But they pay more as well, so...
  • 0
    @dtaposh I am anyways against the bonds idea. Companies should do small reasonable bonds like 3 months or 6 months no more than that. So that company's hard work in recruiting/signing bonus is not wasted and candidate can judge the company in these times and leave whenever he likes
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