I've created an AI!!!!
switch msg:
case "Hi": return "Hello";
case "What's the weather": return "Weather is great";
case "Are you an AI?": return "Yes, I'm highly intelligent"

  • 4
    Did you use blockchain?
  • 3
  • 2
    Oh my... he is using ultra adv switch statments instead of if if if if else ! That a breakthrough!
  • 2
    @j4cobgarby Sorry, I forgot about that. D:<

    But because I'm agile developing I really care about your feedback. :D
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  • 0
    These memes are getting ridiculous! And they are mostly coming from guys who haven't taken any effort to study machine learning, assuming that's how it works.Have you ever looked at any machine learning paper to know that AI is not switch statements? Especially Deep Learning ?
  • 0
    @CodesNotHot Actually, yes I have.

    Obviously this was not meant serious and more a parody of people who actually write an if-else-chatbot and say it's an AI ;)
  • 0
    @CodesNotHot Actually, yes I have.

    Obviously this was not meant serious and more a parody of people who actually write an if-else-chatbot and say it's an AI ;)
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