
One day I'll get you working on Linux... One day...

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    @Condor Right hand >

    I'm right handed and it blows everyone's mind that I wear it on my right hand. Idk why but I've always worn watches on my right hand. Have no interest in changing that.
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    @lxmcf What watch is that?
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    @Condor It's a wee bit unnatural putting it on, I won't lie. But I've also worn this every day since I got it (Christmas), so it's something I can do without thinking about it.
  • 13
    nice fingers
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    @spoiledgoods nice creepy comment
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    @jhh2450 in right handed too haha. People are amazed by it lol

    And it's a moto 360 gen 2
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    @lxmcf Ahh nice! I kinda wanted that one but I'm a bit took broke for that lol
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    @Condor and I know da was but wine no want to follow me through da wae of .NET
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    @jhh2450 found the just unopened one in Australia, been hunting for months so was willing to plunge the $400
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    @LeFlawk im comfortable with GML, don't want to have to relearn to walk, use lots of JSON structures and I've always used gamemaker
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    @DefiniteGoose I'd love to switch to monogame!

    But I cant find any tutorials in english to get started :'-(
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    @LordK nah it covers my wrist tattoo so having it on the right just feels natural now
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    Wait, wine still works? 🤯😂
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    I'm left handed and wear my watch on my left hand... well, when I am actually wearing it, maybe getting a smartwatch would be a good idea 🤔
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    @D3add3d Depends what sort of watch you're looking at, any ideas what you might want?
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    @lxmcf something with android wear, I don't want to make calls with it or anything like that, I just want it to show time, notifications, navigation, weather and it should have NFC for Google Pay... heart-rate monitor and step counter would be nice to have
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    @D3add3d you'll be looking for at a high price for an NFC chip but if you want something super stylish; go for the Huawei watch 1, not sure if it's updated to 2.0 and will get wear OS but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    @lxmcf I don't care too much about style...😂
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    I know it must be hard for you, but WINE can help you through this.
    Don't get too drunk and hurt yourself though because that's a really nice watch and I don't want to see it get hurt.
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    When wine doesn't help, qemu/kvm does. It's how I play Overwatch on Linux — in a virtual machine.
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    @bittersweet yeah but that's a cheats way imo, and Im not willing to waste 20GB of space just to use my 300MB program
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    @LordK I only have 2 on my left arm so I like having them on show, the watch completely covers one if I wear it on my left
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    @LordK I need money for that man, I plan on doing a full sleeve and back mural but can't afford to sell that many organs to pay for it
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    @LordK Best... Payment.. Ever
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    One day I'll get office 2016 working in wine, for now it complains about internet connection/space :(
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