I've just wasted 3 hours on this shit

Apparently when you use -device loader in qemu to load raw code into your vm and start executing it, qemu thinks that - actually - you didn't really want to execute from 0x00007c00. What you *really* wanted is to execute random fucking gibberish at 0xffff07c00

Yes qemu, that's *exactly* what I wanted!
*grumble* fckingpieceofshitsoftware *grumble*

  • 2
    Ah, working on an OS? Cool. I did too, but realized quickly how much work it was and was like nope! Especially an OS is one of the many projects that won't help my resume.
  • 1
    Not surprising? It's physical vs virtual addresses
  • 1
    @devRancid It's in real mode. There is no virtual memory and CS is 0
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