  • 31
    TBH it can. What if the data centre flooded due to inclement weather? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 2
  • 6
    Shouldn't it be thee other way around more clouds, more processing ability, less clouds less ability.
    No clouds, server not found???
  • 4
    I'm surprised the number is so low!
  • 0
    Because it's not
  • 2
    @fuhrmie531 nice excuse to give to clients.
  • 5
    Customer brings in a laptop to be fixed.
    Me: "did you bring the adapter?"
    Customer: the what?
    Me: "The AC adapter."
    Customer: confused look.
    Me: The power plug.
    Customer: oh! No, it should be charged, though.
  • 2
    LMAO and all this time I was thinking it would around 81%.

    Amazon probably started doing some focus groups to teach the masses that Alexa isn't a demon that'll eat your kids.
  • 2
    Yeah, keep talking shit about americans.. We only started this whole damn thing.. integrated circuits? American invention. The internet? America again. You're welcome.
  • 2
    If you’ve ever dealt with rural internet you might think so too! Even suburban internet if it’s raining then more people are online and your stuff seems to crawl. So much stuff is online now I’m not shocked that people confuse internet speed with computing speed and internet speeds can definitely be affected directly and indirectly by weather
  • 2
    It' 51% true
  • 2
    @segfault0xff calm down homie. a world without borders is what you should invent next.
  • 0
    most probably
  • 0
    @vocuzi borders exist for a reason.
  • 0
    @segfault0xff and what reason is that?
  • 1
    Never stopping rain, twisters, antennas broken by extreme wind,.. Doesn't it qualify as 'bad weather' and 'affected cloud'? :p
  • 0
    @vocuzi They are, they're starting in the middle east!
  • 1
  • 0
    weather 100% affects cloud computing, but I'm assuming most of those people associated the two for incorrect reasons.
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