
Thanks, very useful advice sir

  • 11
    Prof: "Make sure you bring your entire project, including all code, screenshots of it working, and documented design process, into class printed out!"

    Me: 😠
  • 4
    Man, that's not a progressive university. When I was studying, all of the students' code was kept in a main repo with a branch per student and during exams, our professor would casually do a git checkout from terminal. Easy peasy and modern.
  • 2
    Happens to me. I have taken advance database class and he wants us to submit queries with screenshots.

    If I were him, I would give students a dummy table and let them write SQL procedures and queries. Then run it against GB of data unseen to them and do profiling. Also, profiling results will be used for grading. Lowest execution time wins.

    Damn I will be such an awesome professor.

  • 1
    When I was at uni, we had to print our work (and code!), as well as burn it to a CD. Which often meant wasting the majority of a 700MB CD, which before the age of node_modules was a lot of space.

    I wish we’d been able to zip and email our work.
  • 1
    Zip isn't that hard, you can download it straight from github.
  • 0
    GitHub.com could be done some day and your code inaccessible - zip isn’t the worst thing. I once had to print my stuff.
  • 0
  • 0
    Last year our teacher wanted the website we made in a CD
  • 2
    @Pharilax this shit right here, is the most horrendous thing they do
  • 0
    Link the github zip?
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