Yep, when a guy wants a little downtime.

  • 29
    Had this fight last night. Sending this pic right away!!! 😂
  • 3
  • 8
    That could possibly drive me insane.
  • 15
    I just say "gonna go game tonight, enjoy your girly TV shows".
    She replies "thanks have fun".

    Balance is key. :3
  • 8
    Unfortunately having same thing... She's on her phone pretty much 24/7 and sees no problem but if i take my phone to reply to a colleague - she loses her mind as I'm always on my phone...
  • 1
    This is so...relateable. I hate those damn smartphones...
  • 5
    Dude that's soooo me...
    Except I don't have a girlfriend.. But the last vignette is SOOO me.
  • 0
  • 2
    My gf doesn't have a smartphone. She has a laptop but preferes m'y desktop for using FB. She asks me not to use my pc, "to spend some time together", then proceeds to my pc when I've left, saying "just gonna check my mails". Still there after 2 hours.

    This kind of shit drives me crazy.
  • 1
    @FunkDelegate simple solution: build her a PC... Better yet... build yourself a newer PC.
  • 0
    @kwilliams Did that... It's even worse :) At one point we had a single pc, then when I got tired of her occupying it - built a new pc for her.

    Result? Well, she was at it as much as she was on her phone (even more annoying when she was watching a video on pc and playing games on phone). So... No, it does not help..
  • 0
    @kwilliams I've bought her a laptop with SSD. Didn't help...
  • 1
    Goodness, this post is popular..
  • 0

    Aaaand...??? We’re waiting...
  • 0
    RIP @telephantasm
    We will miss you.
  • 3
    @f0cus10 That's it... Just a "😒". Clever little women 😐
  • 2

    At least you got a response. My imaginary friend just leaves it on seen.
  • 2
    @telephantasm Jajaja 😂👍
  • 1
    So relatable, I almost just gave up my games 😢
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