what's the most fascinating book you've read?

  • 4
    1984 😁 PHP 5 - Peter Kassenaar. Crafting Interpreters. Delphi. NET. The subtle art of not giving a fuck. Harry Potter 3, de gebroeders Leeuwenhart, the children Bible. The art of exploitation, any Donald Duck.

    Subtle art is really good one. Just written by some mainstream blogger but it really changed my mind about things in a good way.
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    @retoor I actually read that "how to not give a fuck" book and I can't even remember what it said lol

    but I can understand why people get a lot out of it. people just like, dunno how to be chill, and the guy explained some of it

    did like it cuz it gave me validation (people historically disagreed with me about the stuff in the book when I said it). but I don't even think I exercised the new validation on anything after, aaa
  • 4
    House of Leaves was pretty fascinating, in a weird way. It's not for everyone.

    I'm in the middle of Foucault's Pendulum... Also very weird, but it's chock full of very esoteric references about the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, Hebrew theology, Brazilian mysticism, and more. It's... Not an easy read.
  • 3
    The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story by Richard Bach. It's about fate, how he met, and married his soulmate. Ironically, they divorced.

    Not a book, but a manual for the Epson FX-2190N. I wrote a program that will print student records on this printer and I added an easter egg so I'll know if the printer output is authentic.
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  • 4
    The king in yellow was nice.

    Then again, I think "house of leaves" is a runner-up but I've not finished reading it yet.
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    the new normal by benjamin bratton
  • 5
    @jestdotty the book really made me calmer :). It describes how making problems and resolving them gains happyness. For example, you're lonelii so, your solution is to buy a cat. But now you have other problems, it needs food & litter. So, you solve these problems and that makes happy. That's one that I liked. Another one is this: these days we have to be healthy, have a good, we want to be the best parent, you need to exercise, you want to a good car etc. But all those things together, you don't have a life left. So, he says just pick three things what is important to you, double down on that and forget about the rest. I took that advise very well. Maybe I should reread. I've bought the book three times since I never get it back from others. Hmm. Time for the fourth time. Afaik it's cheap and just want to have it.
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    @retoor I liked that book too, although you remember it much vividly. maybe I have to reread it too
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    @retoor did you know George Orwell was on CIA payroll? :3
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    This book is a great resource to know how to deal with white wingerz and nazis
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    nah im kidding, I never read it

    I read bell hooks tho
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    @retoor at least read "Island". It's the opposite of brave new world, a psychedelic utopia where everybody does shroom and fucks
  • 1
    Goodnight Moon.
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