
I've officially decided to make the change to linux. Can anyone recommend me a good distribution? Is there anything like homestead with all necessary tools already installed? Any help to get me started on using Linux as a daily driver is welcome, thanks 👌

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    Restart *
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    Linux mint cinnamon is a good linux distro to get started on, very similar to windows with start button etc, so my recommendation would be linix mint. And I'm happy even though it took so long for people to realize windows is crap
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    @bhargav-mogra i lately installer ubuntu on my laptop and it runs smooth as never before even though its 5 years old ^^ but i dont know what distro to use yet just downloaded the only one i knew
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    @bada *installed
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    For me personally unbuntu is too much bloat, and too orange :D
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    I think you should reconsider switching. instead Google and learn how to make Windows work the way you want it to.

    I hate Windows too sometimes, but there is no other os which can do what it can do.
    trust me, I've tried.

    though if you're hell bent, go for Linux mint. I find Ubuntu very lifeless.
    or Google how to get Macintosh to work on your Intel i5<= powered PC.
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    @tysa isn't macintosh licensed software? plus if you manage to get macintosh installed, you'd have to go through the whole process again when you want to update it, too much pain in the ass for a mediocre OS anyway.
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    Elementary OS is really really nice if your fond of the way Mac OS looks, on the other hand Mint looks a lot like Windows.
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    Linux Mint 18... Buttery smooth.
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    Thanks guys, I've got some stuff to check out now. The only thing I'd miss is the whole Adobe creative suite but I'd kill for all cli's to just work out of the box...
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    can anyone like this so i can come back to it later. thanks!
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    Xubuntu is definitely my favorite. It's Ubuntu with a prettier UI.
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    I prefer fedora. you may not like to go through the pain of hackintosh.
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    Ubuntu - Na, to much bloat and shit.
    Fedora - pretty ok.
    Mint - awesome for starters
    Arch - if you want to kill time
    Gentoo - if you want to kill all time
    Debian - best
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    As most people recommend, go with Linux Mint. Easy, stable, beautiful. I can't remember what version I'm using and it's been sometime, I just never have any problems with it, it'll take some time before I decide to update.
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    I prefer Linux lite. Less bloated and easier to modify while still ubuntubased. Stock ubuntu and Mint have became pretty bloat.
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    seems u r new to Linux desktop, and if u have a touch screen try out Ubuntu, otherwise mint Linux.
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    Love Antegros, never met anyone who went back to anything else.
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    Lol you know it's a proper rant when it has typos in it from the amount of rage released 👏👏
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    @bhargav-mogra with the last hackitosh I build I could do software updates like every true Mac can
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    if you want the original stock Ubuntu you can go for Ubuntu gnome and install the packages needed for homestead
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    I have made the switch myself last week. I am using Ubuntu GNOME right now and I wouldn't want to switch back anymore!
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    Dude look at Deepin Linux it's a beauty.
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