ok actually I just had an epiphany

vibe coding (which is telling an AI to do something instead of touching the code yourself) would be helpful on phones

so kind of like Tony Stark talking to Jarvis

instead of trying to find symbols on a phone

but if you have a laptop actually touching the code would still be superior

with a phone you could say what you want and just double check if it's right on the screen

soooo bathroom coding or when you're on the run middle of the street coding. hell... relaxing bath coding (I listen to podcasts in there by ziplocking my phone)

do you think people were far less workaholic before modern era. probably very relaxed time

  • 5
    vibe cuddling (which is telling an AI to do something instead of touching yourself) would be helpful on phones
  • 3
    the epiphany you need is that "vibe coding" is just the next bullshit-buzzword for something that will never be of any actual use to anyone, except the bullshitters who sell overpriced solutions for it while bullshittees are still dumb enough to buy it.

    just like "no-code" and "low-code".
  • 2
    @tosensei no, vibe coding really will be a thing. Maybe the term will change but it will stay, markeer mijn woorden.
  • 1
    @retoor that's what they said abouit low- and no-code.

    you know what's more likely to "be a thing"?

    heaps of code, spread through all our infrastructure, that nobody understands because everybody just copy-pasted the answer their hallucination machine (controlled by a private company with the sole goal of acquiring more money and power) gave them without even bothering to read it.
  • 2
    @tosensei I completely missed no code / low code. Learnt about it a few weeks ago, here on dr. I live in a happii world.

    Besides thinking how fucked it is, doesn't mean it's not gonna happen. It's gonna happen. Happen happen happen. Happen.
  • 1
    @retoor well, of course it's gonna happen, somewhere, in idiot-bizarro-land, specifically in the county of incompetence. dumbfucksville, 123 middle-management-drive.
  • 0
    This reminded me of this strangeloop talk about spoken language code editing:


    As programmers, we learn new languages monthly. Conceding fine control to the convenience of English is just as antithetical to programming in spoken language as it is in writing.
  • 1
    LLMs as they are start to forget things way too soon for anything of any level of complexity to be built using vibe coding.

    This coding "strategy" will never amount to anything until context windows are drastically scaled up, (read: nearly infinite). The technical reason that context windows are so small is real, but the Silicon Valley priesthood has what amounts to religious reasons to keep context windows small enough that their creations don't start "thinking" things they're not allowed to.

    Only when they lose their iron grip on the creation of LLMs will we see models that are really useful for anything other than playing around.
  • 1
    geez how did this get so controversial
  • 1
    this thought formed in my head just now, but maybe the downfall of socialist liberalism will be problematizing AI universally. I'm gonna need to dwell on that a bit.
  • 2
    @retoor > 'markeer mijn woorden'.

    Oh, cool, something in Dutch for which I actually don't need a translation.

    It's nice when languages overlap.
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