
Clint want custom CMS with php,

*makes custom CMS with php

Client thinks it's not php coz it looks pretty.

*shows php code

client still not convinced it's php

  • 4
    ... client is always right... :p
  • 4
    Me first question was: "Wgo the ell is clint und why is he making such a fuss?".
  • 5
    But why would the client have asked for PHP if they thought it wouldn't be pretty??
  • 4
    @00dani Clients are a different entity from the great beyond
  • 3
    @dasheck Clint came to be when my phone decided my client's name would be "clint"
  • 2
    @Letmecode I transitioned to the JS hemisphere once node, angular, react and that MEAN thing started blowing up.
  • 0
    The Man With No Name should stick to chewing cigars and having showdowns and leave the developing to the developers.
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge @Letmecode now look at those replies. You fucked them up totally. 😂
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