So after using a handful of distros I think I will be using Manjaro for now. What is your favorite distro?

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    @Haxk20 what he said
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    I was addicted to Ubuntu while it had Unity and it was faster. Later I favour Neon and like two days ago I switched to Manjaro.
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    Just Ubuntu...
    Simple and just works...
    Don't need to be on the bleeding edge, just want it to simply work...
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    I'm on AntergOs. It's fun... 😀
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    Whaaaaat! I'm switching to Manjaro. Today!
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    Currently dating Lbuntu chan 😘
    My ex was Xbuntu Niichan 😍
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    @Jilano I have tried Debian, but for some reason, I didn't like it as much.

    The bloat never really was an issue for me as I started with an Ubuntu Server install anyways (and then run my custom bash script that will configure my entire desktop environment)
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    @FinlayDaG33k minimal Ubuntu is really good.
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    I used manjaro for an entire year. It was good like 80% of the time but too much stuff were getting broken and I wasted a lot of time trying to fix them (but learned a lot of Linux internals ehile doing so.

    Now using elementaryOS for 2 months. It's pretty neat, only issue I have is that it doesn't wake up from sleep well and I have to restart it.
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    @cursee are you Japanese or a fan of anime? 🤔🤔
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    @drekhi12 just a fan 🤭
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    Kubuntu. If you're hesitant of KDE because of it's buggy past, this LTS release of 18.04 works like a charm, try it out.
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    Ubuntu with GNOME. Unity's too heavy for me, but I love the look of GNOME and it's features
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    Arch with i3.
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