Found this on YouTube. What the fuck does that second comment even mean?

  • 6
    Some naive people think crypto currency is and will remain free from state actors like central banks
  • 4
    @carlosjpc They also think it's a wise investment despite BTC going down $14k USD in about 6 months.
  • 2
    @carlosjpc Yeah but also he seems to be implying that the existing financial infrastructure (physical cash) is censored, which doesn't make sense to me.
  • 1
    Im really hoping that in like 100 years peiple will realize that blockchain is not money
  • 0
    @sharktits indeed it's literally just a Merkle tree.
  • 0
    @sabbonaut an intelligent comment on bitcoin... this is gold!
  • 0
    @sabbonaut your right man! A little off topic but yeah!

    Big downside of crypto now, which back then was also a problem with gold is stealing and poor trading mechanisms
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