Manjaro vs Arch vs Debian vs Deepin ? What would you prefer

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    Debian based
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    My preference is for linux users to find something more valuable to talk about. To me it akin to devRanters asking: "Red shoes, blue shoes, green shoes. Which shoes should I wear?”

    I don't care. Pick some fucking shoes.
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    debian, but i will try arch with my next pc
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    Manjaro because it's arch that works easier
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    @DeadInside Then ignore the post/rant.....?
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    And Debian based yes.
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    For stability definitely Debian based
    For bleeding edge and non productive arch or manjaro if you are a beginner is fine.

    I mostly don’t care about the distro,
    After bringing back my dot files and i3 thy all look and behave almost the same anyway :)
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    That's how i do it.
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    Server - > CentOS
    Client - > Arch

    It's the perfect balance between chaos and order.
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    @LeFlawk The tinkering is the only reason to get Arch IMO.
    Manjaro just takes that away.
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