Isn't an escape character a basic concept?

  • 2
    what am I missing here?
  • 0
    Look at the search result
  • 1
    Still don't see what's wrong with it 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Since they don't know how to escape their quotation marks they use apostrophes instead.
  • 1
    @chabad360 Kik uses apostrophes too.

    Wasn't aware quotation marks vs apostrophes actually mattered...
  • 0
    Nothing to do, it's just suprising that they don't know better
  • 3
    @chabad360 It doesn't really make a difference.... The same content is presented both ways.
  • 7
    @chabad360 who says that they don't know how to? Maybe they used them because they thought it looked better

    I usually use single quotation marks as well
  • 2
    @Krokoklemme Exactly that
  • 0
    @chabad360 its trendy
  • 0
    Whatever you say, didn't know it was used so much. But personally, I still find it a bit suprising.
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    ESLINT on default forces you to write string in single quotes so I'm used to single quotes.
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    @shahidcodes I'm not 100% sure what you mean, your saying that any quotes that you put in the string, have to be single quotes?
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