
Windows: would you like to update?
Me: no not rn I'm currently on battery and traveling, let me just quickly restart.
Windows: Okay I'll install the latest updates for you.
Me: oh FFS

  • 3
    classic windows
  • 2
    Is that Windows 7 that I'm seeing? You are lucky cuz from what I've experienced, it installs updates faster than Windows 10 lol
  • 2
    @gitpush win10 i7 with m.2 SSD so I hope it'll crunch through it fast
  • 2
    @DomNomz well if you are lucky and it is not a major upgrade you should be done in no time but if Windows has set power options to balance then say goodbye to your time it will favor longer battery life if I'm not mistaken thus lower speed, luckily you have an SSD that is less power usage
  • 2
    @gitpush ~30 minutes for an update but battery drained woopty doo
  • 2
    @DomNomz Typical Windows, I wish they put back that damn option where to restart WITHOUT installing updates! Why assuming that having a laptop = always near a power source && having a computer = fuck life, we have lots of time to waste, lets install some updates
  • 2
    Gotta say, you walked right into that one. Never restart Windows when updates are available.
  • 1
    @UnDeAdYeTii I think Devs watched to much Yu-Gi-Oh
    Windows: by restarting you've activated my trap card.
  • 1
    What car is that
  • 0
    I can reboot without it installing updates 😎
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