How do you deal with managers/co-workers asking you the task status every hour? They keep on asking, is this done? is this done? It pisses me off to no end. Does anybody know how to handle this without being overly snarky?

  • 3
    Presumably these tasks have a deadline? Just remind them you plan to have it done by that deadline. Then become less certain each time they ask. "It should be done by", "It might be done by", "Things are getting pretty tight", etc..
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    @PiranhaGeorge Nah small 1 2 day tasks, debugging a bug don't generally don't have deadlines here.
  • 4
    @eternalfool Then just politely remind them that you'll get it done faster with less distractions. The point is to make your problem (with them constantly badgering you) their problem.
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    @PiranhaGeorge haha funny. But knowing my co-workers they will not consider their badgering as distraction. Once I started adding giving work status in the timeline lol.
  • 1
    Sounds like you need a better team workflow
  • 4
    I always send them this by mail:


    They always get the message.
  • 3
    You need headphones :)
  • 2
    Write a cronjob that executes every hour saying "It's going alright". After two days the manager will understand. I hope.
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    @mazzi yup this is a possibility when they ask for hourly updates.
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    @eternalfool micromanagement sucks. Try to give more transparency to the people. Status on trello/jira or daily standups. The previous was just a joke :D
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    @mazzi haha I am asked for hourly updates on things like say status of jobs. I can easily write a script which mails every hour and spams the inbox of everyone I am mailing. I love doing things like this but then you don't get a promotion :P
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    @eternalfool the smarter people are the laziest!
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    @mazzi true that. if they take micro management seriously and don't just use it as a buzzword to get nice shoulder pets from above, they should use something like jira.

    we're training our pm's that if a task in jira takes longer than 2 hours, they must split it in 2 separate jobs.
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    @edisonn I like your comparison, because for most non-dev people I have to work with it literally feels like working with kids.
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    @edisonn so cruel with kids.
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