
I’m going to rant about cannabis now. It is going to be raw and real. It may also offend a few people, and it will definitely go against the brainwashing of a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds.

Let me start by saying, in regards to the above…

I don’t give a shit.

Now let’s move on.

I love devRant and the ranters in this community, but of course any group of people is going to have similar faults to those groups in the real world.

One thing I have seen a lot here is negative, childish, uninformed and generally stupid comments in response to the mention of cannabis products.

Some examples of the responses I have seen include…

“This has nothing to do with devRant and is not even a healthy post.”

“Yes because being a drunk and a stoner is far better.”

“You know you can also have friends without taking drugs…”

I get it though. These people have small and closed minds, they have been fed brainwashing about the subject their whole lives from people they trust, they may even live in a society that sees cannabis use as a serious crime with serious consequences.

Let me be clear. All of the above is meaningless. It is your choice to be a closed and weak minded person and it is your choice to be an asshole about it. (If your reading this and you wrote some of the above, then yes, you’re an asshole).

Now for a little about myself…

I am a medicinal cannabis patient and have been for many years since I had some serious health issues that almost killed me. I also live in a country that is about to legalize recreational use because we are a progressive society that believes in personal freedom if it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

I’ve used cannabis as a medical tool, as a learning tool, as a debugging tool, as a dating aide and for many many other uses in my life.

For me it’s medicine. End of story.

But usually when I say this people get a little apologetic like “I didn’t know” because most people understand that no-one has the right to tell you that medicine prescribed by a doctor is wrong for you (most people aren’t that stupid and ignorant, most).

Thats nice and all but I am going to stand up for the recreational users here. What makes these people think they have the right to treat a recreational user who is trying to improve their life worse than a medicinal person doing the same?..

It’s a rhetorical question, the answer is that these assholes will be assholes until someone stops them. They think that since the crowd will back me up (as a medicinal patient) that they won’t attack me and go against the popular opinion, but that is not the case for recreational users.

So what is actionable from this?

Well this is my takeaway. If you see some closed minded asshole giving a cannabis user a hard time (either here or in real life) then call them out on it. Call them an asshole, call them closed minded and give support to those who choose to live their lives the way they want.

If you are the type of person that would say these negative things about cannabis users then you are no different than a person giving a diabetic a hard time for taking insulin; your an asshole.

So fuck those assholes.

Maybe one day they will grow up.

Maybe some day they will break free of the brainwashing.

Maybe someday they will open their minds and understand that even though cannabis may not be the right thing for them that it may be the right thing for others.

Maybe they will realize that the world doesn’t revolve around their biases, opinion and cultural background.

Or maybe they will just be assholes forever.

Remember, there are assholes everywhere. Pick your battles and stand up for what you believe is right, regardless of the dickheads around you yelling and shouting.

Smoke/Vape one for me and all the other stoner developer out there living 2 lives because of the judgement and ignorance of others.

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    I'm an asshole :(
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    I guess you are Canadian too. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

    I do agree with you, the only problem with cannabis is if you develop serious health issues/addiction, but if you take it responsibly and don’t go driving afterwards, I don’t give a fucking shit!
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    Cannabis will kill you why the fuck are you doing this ....
    *Reads whole thing*
    .... s/.*/You do you bro/g
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    I wrote the first quoted comment "This has nothing to do with devRant and is not even a healthy post." on this rant: https://devrant.com/rants/1461549/...

    Mentioning my comment in this rant here is absolutely pointless, since it has nothing to do with your arguments and also since mentioning my comment here is based based on the following wrong assumptions of you about my comment:

    - I did not say anything against recreational cannabis users (medical reasons), since the rant itself did have not the slightest to do with medical cannabis use.

    - The linked rant does not have much to do with devRant, because there is only one word (of a total of 3) which has something to do with development but the obvious main focus in mentioned rand lies on the cannabis flute innthe picture by taking up about 80% of the whole "rant area" and without any story behind the picture.

    So, after considering my statements, your accusations (against me) are, at least just with my mentioned comment, pointless.
    (And just do be clear: I don't take these personal at all)

    Well, since my comment is out of the context of this rant, let's focus on your rant:
    (nothing personal, just for the sake of argumentation)

    Your rant has the following contradictions:
    - You say you are/were a recreational user of cannabis, yet a few words later you say you use/used it for non-medical reasons as well (dating aide, learning, debugging, ...)

    - You base your whole rant on the assumption that these commenters are "closed minded assholes" because they are seemingly against the medical use of cannabis, yet none of the comments backs up your assumption.

    - You base your whole rant on defending users of medical cannabis, yet in the end you tell they should smoke one for you and mention stoner developers. Getting "stoned" NEVER is the purpose of medical marijuana. High doses of THC makes you stoned, but that is not the point of smoking cannabis for medical reasons!
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    In my opinion you are perfectly fine with getting stoned but with exactly this attitude you support the arguments of people against the legalization of cannabis.

    Nobody wants stoned drivers, stoned coworkers, stoned restaurant personnel, lots of stoned people on the streets.
    Most people I know who are against the general legalization of cannabis are totally fine with legalization for medical cannabis only.
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    Why do you think it is, that users of marijuana for medical reasons, are put in such a bad light, don't get jobs, credits or support because of prejudice etc.?It's because of people like you, people who support "stoners" and the use of cannabis just for fun, who shed an extremely bad light on the use of marijuana for medical purposes, yet do not realize this.

    (Theoretical comparison to the situation where alcohol was illegal:)
    It's the same as calling anti-alcohol people weak minded/closed minded for being against alcohol while closing the argument by saying to your friend: "Let's drink a bottle of whiskey for the closedmindedness of these assholes! Drink up! Cheers!". As you may realize, this completely undermines all your (you in the alcohol example) previously made pro arguments and your credibility.

    I absolutely are for a legalization for medical use.
    Funnily enough I almost recommended to try out medical marijuana to a close person because this person suffers from a nerve problem with pretty strong pain, but doctors can't find the reason for the pain.

    In conclusion:
    Before you build your opinion on commenters, please get the fucking context right first. 😄

    Btw.: I am not offended at all.
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    To be perfectly honest. I was, quite deliberately, deciding not to comment or respond to comments on this rant. I was planning to let the rant stand as is.

    But I respect the fact that you made an elegant statement and I think it deserved a response. So I will try to be just as eloquent in my response.

    TLDR: many of your comments are an exact example of the ignorance I was writing about in this rant.

    - There is NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER in a person using cannabis for a severe illness and someone using it to improve their life in other ways. The only difference is in the ignorance of a person with that opinion. (More on this in a later comment)

    - I’m against people thinking they somehow know whats best for others based on their biases, ignorance and arrogance. In this case about cannabis in general.

    - This one is going to be longer and needs its own comment…

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    This is a tough one, because this one I can’t be nice and civil about.

    I’ve been in situations where I (seriously) didn’t think I would see tomorrow. Cannabis at this point didn’t have any medicinal benefit (because nothing would, it just had to be endured) but it (YES) GOT ME STONED, and in getting me stoned I was able to have brief moments of laughter, fleeting levity with loved ones and with these short benefits it gave me the strength to wake up and endure another day of hell.

    But that is only half the point. And now it gets rather serious…

    Since then I have had many ignorant people tell me what my medicine SHOULD be used for, I’ve had people with little life (or death) experience telling me how my journey SHOULD have done X or Y.

    This is the height of ignorance and arrogance.

    I simultaneously feel pity and envy for people like this. On the one hand they get to live in blissful ignorance, on the other hand, they have to live in ignorance.

    As for the (typical) alcohol argument. Honestly man, there is no comparison and I feel no need to even argue against something so misinformed.

    But in conclusion. Feel free to comment and discourse all you like but please understand me when I tell you that EVERY SINGLE ARGUMENT you made on this topic is wrong. And I mean that in the most constructive way.

    Your entire argument, point-by-point is shrouded in the arrogance of someone speaking about topics that they don’t understand based on distorted, misinformed, arrogant assumptions of what other should and should not be.

    I will continue to live my life and hurt no-one else. The only thing I would ever ask is that others try not to let their ignorance hurt others trying to live their life the best they can.

    I sincerely wish you nothing but the best in personal growth and hope this discourse has not been too uncomfortable.

    PS. I certainly had no intention of calling anyone out personally in this. Thats not productive.

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    One last thing. This discourse is a good thing. I encourage anyone reading this to keep up a dialog.

    The only way we get over decades of misinformation and prejudice is to discuss things in a civil way.

    I am always open to sit down and discuss this topic with any open-minded person I meet.

    In the end, my firm belief is that there is no difference between myself using cannabis to get through the day than a physicist using it to solve a hard equation or an artist using it to be creative, or an accountant using it to de-stress or anyone else using cannabis in a positive way to improve their lives. I believe we all have the exact same right to live our lives (no matter what level of shit our lives have) anyway they choose, preferably without ignorance and judgement from others.
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    Since every single argument and point I made is, in your viewpoint, wrong, I think I know who of us has a seemingly closed mind.

    I don't take this personally. Your argumentation is just rather funnily put together.

    I will now go work on my misinformed ass, since I am obviously completely misinformed. 😅
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    Yes, that is true.

    Sometimes for someone with a severe lack of understanding of a topic can see the informed opinion as being closed-minded. That is understandable.

    While I am certain you are perfectly competent in many other areas of life, I have to agree with the sarcastic comments about the level of misinformation in your previous arguments.

    This is a topic I have been passionate about for years and have had serious debates with knowledgeable people on all sides of the coin (Government, law, activist, medical patients etc.) In the end, I and others like me end up hearing a lot of the same arguments.

    So I hope there isn't any offence taken when I say that almost every point in your comments I have seen debated and thoroughly destroyed with facts.

    I'm usually inclined to believe that in any debate the truth is almost always somewhere in the middle. But in this case, based on past experiences, I can say with confidence that it is not.
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    @leanrob Well, then I would like to hear fact based arguments contrary to every single of my made arguments, because I really would like to know why my argumens are seemingly completely wrong.

    Btw.: You do realize that I did not really put up arguments for or against cannabis?
    I did rather point out contradictions in your rant and show your overly quick assumptions about commenters.
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    While it would be possible to write at length about cannabis from experiences in “Drugs and Behaviour” courses in college, quote scientific arguments that contradict the prevalent beliefs on things like “cannabis and driving” or “cannabis at work”, I will have to politely decline.

    The topic is simply to lengthy to discuss in a text format.

    I can certainly admit that years of living a double life and being judged because of it has made me jump to a bit of a bitter stance on the subject. This bitter stance can cause assumptions. I used your comment as an example out on the platform and agree that it is bad to make judgements based on tiny texts online, you are right about my fault in that.

    I will however leave a link at the bottom that tries to give informed opinions, facts, articles and studies about cannabis and the growing market around it.

    I hope it can be of some use...


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    @leanrob However, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects of CBD before using it. Although they are insignificant, it is important to remember that the effect of CBD can affect in different ways, and that which may appear in one person, most likely does not happen to you.
    Read more information about it on this website: https://cbdoilbrands.org/
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