Hello fellow developers! What was your first program? What language and editor did you use?

Mine a calculator in VB.netπŸ˜πŸ˜‚

  • 8
    Hello World on Python using Wing IDE.

    Don't use either of them right now but Python will surely show up again. :)
  • 11
    I did a Fahrenheit to Celcius converter in C++. (It was guided)

    My first somewhat noteworthy project done on my own was a program that determines if you should be accepted into a college based on the requirements. (Was basically getting a grip on if, else, and else if logic.) (It was broken lol.)
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    Assembler. can't remember. some bit mask to some leds or some button input detection.
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    @AlpineLinnix WILD!
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    Hello world in GW basic
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    My first program would draw a smiley face on the screen on an Atari 800xl in BASIC
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    The very first was the one not printing syntax error but 0 :P

    And the printing repeated strings.

    It was basic on a sinclair zx80.
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    Hello World™
    written in C++, dunno which version
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    Hello world on C#
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    Suming of 2 numbers. C++ on Visual Studio 2005
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    C++ hello world with devcpp
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    Hello world in blueJ IDE!
    It was for noobs, 6yrs ago
    But ide was nice for learners
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    Hello world in netbeans java
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    Hello world in Java or JS, cant remember.
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    Display ascii character in basic
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    Mine a form in HTML #BUUUURRRNNNN
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    Quadratic equation solver in C.
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    Mine was calculator in vb.net too. But with a great ui (used external ui template)
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    I'm so old that my first editor was a complete πŸ–₯️😭

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    A WoW bot in AutoIt. Notepad++
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    A smiley face on Logo
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    Some half finished games using BlitzBasic :D
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    A super-scummy "paintbrush" in BASIC on a HC85, that could only draw lines and circles.

    This was back in '95...
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    Calculator with buttons. Java swing, eclipse. Crappiest calculator ever xD but it worked.. kinda
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    pretty sure it was 93, or 94.
    somw weird animation project in the abomination:
    Other then that, hello world for Pascal, on fuckin turbopascal (white on blue).
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    If hello world doesn’t count, it was a database in Pascal. Or some ball game thingy. I can’t remember which of these I did first
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    Simple draw/paint program written in VB, I think I was about 13-14 years old (is 32 now 😁) and got a programming beginner book by my dad.
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    Checking whether an inputted year was a leap year or not back when I was learning C#, probably using VS2010
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    ...A discord bot with JavaScript

    Seeing how many people made hello world scripts, maybe I've been doing stuff the wrong way?
  • 2
    My first language was BASIC. My first program probably was printing my own name.

    Other things I made with it were code from newspaper snippets. Yes. You read that right: the newspaper had a piece of code every week for a fully functional program. Always somewhere between 10 and 200 lines of code, but mostly short stuff. Tiny games or nice drawings, etc. It was tedious to type everything and if I made some mistake it wasn't obvious where it was introduced (GOTO statement galore make it hard).

    I even had my nanny read the code to me to speed up the process. Poor lady.

    It taught me a lot about the language and how computers work (they only do what you tell them to do). Sometimes I'd find syntax I didn't understand and, at first, I only had the code and its behaviour to find out how it worked. This taught me logical thinking and induction / deduction.

    Later I found Q-BASIC, which had a few new syntax features and a nicer text editor with documentation.
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    A small game made with the GameMakerLanguage (has a lot of similarities with javascript)
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    Radius to area/perimeter of circle, in C++, using DevC++
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    Hello world program in C language using windows CMD.
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    Depends how you define program.

    1. I made some algorithmic automation in old minecraft (preredstone) - I even saw people make a calculator with water, signs and sand.

    2. I edited some modding js for the same game

    3. Scratch moving this ugly cat

    4. Python print("test")
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    adding two numbers on QBasic
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    HelloWorld is probably everyone's first bit! Likewise. :P
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    MCPE 0.9.5 cheats in javascript.
    It shaped my online life more than you would think
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    Program that printed a fractal made in Turbo Pascal in 8th grade. I did not what I was doing at all. I thought that we were going to make something like Tetris. Huge dissappointment.
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    Probably a "guess the number" game in Basic for Commodore 16
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    Not counting Hello World, my first real program was a speech tester tool written in C for classic Mac back in the 90s that let you play around with the built in text-to-speech library. It didn’t involve anything other than calling an API, but you could change voices, speed, etc.
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    The first "proper" program that I made completely on my own initiative was one that returned a daily horoscope from an RSS feed for the zodiac sign requested by the user. I still remember that pride when I realized that it was all finished. :D

    Written in Python using Atom, later went on and made a GUI for it with tkinter.
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    Hello World
    Turbo C++
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    I made a program that picked random 1-6, drew the result on screen in the 2D shape of a die (dice?) and played a tune on the internal PC speaker. All done in Q-Basic IIRC on a DOS v3.3 loaded IBM PC2 with 8088 (not 8086) CPU, no RAM, 21 meg HDD and a 5 1/4" floppy.

    Though I might confuse the Q-Basic for BASIC on that DOS version...
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    First program I ever made was a Delta calculator on my Casio 25+ in Basic
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    c++ turboc
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