
Got my new phone a few weeks ago, it rocks a 11000 mAh battery.

Was sceptical as for how long it'd last anyways so charged it last Sunday to see how long it will last with my usage (few hours of devRanting, loads of signalling and quite some firefoxing plus Spotify a lot):

At 40 percent now 😯

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    @RantSomeWhere This?
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    @RantSomeWhere Sure but it isn't right. It says about 8 hours but i can assure you it's way longer haha.
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    @iKameo Oukitel K10 ;)
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    @RantSomeWhere That's not a lot 😐
    And 39 right now but close enough :P
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    @Jilano Probs like two weeks or so! With extreme usage it lasted me 2-3 days :)
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    How long does it take to charge that beast?
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- @RantSomeWhere With the charger that came along, about 3,5 hours :)
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    @iKameo kmAh lol. Why not just Ah?
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    @RantSomeWhere i remember having a phone like that. LG Charge X has that size battery also. Been listening to music, watching youtube, browsing devrant, and chatting.
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    11000 :O

    My 3000 Alcatel stays for three days with me without the need to recharge. Though I don't use 4G, I only use it randomly throughout the day for WhatsApp and calls.

    I think if I had that battery, I'll recharge once a month lol
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    maybe the absence of all the Google services running in the background all day long has a positive impact on your battery mileage too.
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    What ROM though?
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    Not bad for 259-300$
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    I've I got something similar @Linuxxx
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    The first day is not in the history. Idk why, but probably because I only used up 10% that day
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    @Cyanide Not a custom one too badly because they don't exist yet for this phone :/

    @HIGHphen They're running in the background, just blocking their Internet access through a root firewall.
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    Which phone is this?
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    @j4cobgarby Oukitel K10. It's a cheap phone but definitely not lacking in quality
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    @Awlex never heard of it, sounds interesting
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    @linuxxx How would you review it overall? I'm always anxious about the sorts of phones you only get on AliExpress and the like so I end up paying more than I probably really need.
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    @linuxxx Yeah, thought so too. Is not this a Chinese phone? Are not you concerned about spyware or something, or you know, the default Google apps for that matter?
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    @BashouT Got it through gearbest and you have to be okay with no jackplug but except for that I'd say it's really good!
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    @Cyanide Haven't found spyware get and blocking Google services' Internet access through a root firewall.
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    @linuxxx interesting, maybe the next time I switch I'll be a bit more open, thanks 😁
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    @linuxxx Cool. Do you think any custom ROM will be officially available for this phone because this not a very famous company, or is it?
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    @linuxxx I've got close to the same SOT as you (6 and a half hours) while on a much smaller battery (3000mAh)
    I think that 11k figure is an exaggeration
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    @lewis well it's a lot different as @linuxxx's phone has been awake screen off and in deep sleep for many days more than yours.
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    IT'S OVER 9000!! Oo!
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    @lewis My sot says 8 hours but i can assure you it's a lot more. Also my days on is at 4 but tomorrow it should be at 6 so yeah...
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    @iKameo I'm slightly bothered people keep using mAh in the thousands (CPU speed didn't hesitate to slap a G on it), but that kmAh destroys me.

    Also I'm always impressed that I consistently get 24 hours out of my OnePlus 5. I use my phone like a true millennial so it's pretty noteworthy.
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    Looks like a great phone!
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    Holy fk and I was impressed with my new phone living 2-3 days. Lol.
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    1,5 years old os.
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