
I know lots of you love stickers. But be careful according to this article.

Putting Stickers On Your Laptop is Probably a Bad Security Idea

  • 28
    Only if you put on offensive or stupid stickers
  • 6
    @devTea 😆😆😆

    Yeah don't put "I hacked Whitehouse" stickers 😁
  • 10
    @cursee Or "I hate America" stickers with your laptop out at an airport

    The title is also VERY misleading.

    I thought this was something to do with actual security, not what it is talking about
  • 3
    Well it kind of tells any would be coffee shop hackers what o's and tools you use, and that you might have projects worth stealing... Or access to companies.. And clients

    Luckily my computer has no stickers, duct tape to hide a broken frame and 2 keys missing

    Yeah.. Throw you off the scent coffee shop hoodie
  • 4
    @rant1ng My stickers are all nontech related.

    Clothing brand, a charity I like and a few miscellaneous ones
  • 1
    @devTea ITS AN ART, its how I express my emotions, nobody understand OK?!!!
  • 14
    In other words:
    If people suspect they disagree with you, or think you have something worth stealing, they'll go out of their way to ruin your day/year.

    Or, to summarize:
    People are fucking assholes; don't draw attention to yourself.

    More morbid:
    The interesting chickens get eaten first. Be boring, get eaten later.
  • 4
    I have a Superman sticker on my laptop. What is the hackers like the Marvel universe more... 😐
  • 3
    I have a dragon emblem on my laptop, and the phrase "MSI" under it. Nothing else.
  • 4
    @mahaDev sorry pets are not allowed here
  • 2
    @devTea ouch. Then people with gophers and snakes, mainly a pair of pythons, shouldn't be allowed as well.
  • 5
  • 1
    @devTea @mahaDev what about elephant 😆
  • 2
  • 5
    @cursee only flying one allowed otherwise no

    Edit: put a wing on it
  • 2
    @devTea infer the wings, just focus on the concept.
  • 6
    @mahaDev hmmm after discussing it with the normies, they allowed it
  • 2

    Actually.... Yeah.

    Not the last one though... Not everyone likes chickens
  • 3
    mine are cats + anime. The only tec related ones is octocat, the logo of my university and the group I'm working in + my project. This info one can also get by just asking me or googleing the projects website.
  • 1
    @NoMad is that lyrics from actual song? 👀
  • 3
    In that case banker shouldn’t wear a suit because he’ll get most likely robbed on the dark corner.
    Hell, every time you go out with your laptop, get yourself a blanket to cover yourself while working on it.

    C’mon, if someone REALLY wants to access your data, he will do it without you even noticing it. That’s just paranoia
  • 1
    @athlon not that kind of security.

    The security meant in article is like airport security. They will detain you if they see some offensive or hackerish stickers.
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