I have a job interview on Thursday for a .Net stack suite of web apps. Thing is: I know C# and SQL Server pretty good (not necessarily together but that comes pretty easy to me). They also use Javascript/jQuery/ECMAScipt (they said it not me) and ASP.Net. In my web dev days I was mostly backend so I am super super rusty on Javascript and, though to a lesser extent, ASP. Do you have any tutorials and refreshers you recommend? Preferably in an IDE so I can hide my shame from the interwebs? Love you.

  • 7
    Visual studio for ASP.Net

    VSCode is enough for .Net Core

    If you can do CRUD with ASP.Net that should probably be good enough

    aspsnippets etc, they have a lot of asp.net tutorials out there
  • 2
    Given you’ve got experience in the right sort of areas/languages, I would just start a new project from a template in Visual Studio and have a poke around. From there you’ll be able to figure out what’s going on. They’re probably using Razor so google that.
  • 1
    First off, I am in love with C# and the frameworks! Check out Bob Tabor .NET guru! Try VS 2017; good luck!!
  • 0
    Based on the date and my lack of the job, I did not get it. Sad Face.
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