
Just want to put it out there.. Please dont degrade yourself by calling yourself a coder ...


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    @1989 Hacker is great... Coder is not..
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    @1989 Problem solving is important right ? Why does it matter until you are holding yourself responsible when it breaks .
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    I am the author of that article..:( Anyway people around me irritated me a lot by calling developer jobs as coding jobs and i just found it idiotic and irritating.. Hence the article..

    By the way ..Was it too long..🤔
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    @aEEEdev I liked the structure. It wasn't too long.
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    Well shit, just check my GitHub name
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    "Semantics. Get back to work, coder; there's code to be coded!"
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    @wizzzard I am at my melting point reading this comment..
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    @Brosyl Wordpress gives me stats. Thats why i am still sticking with it..
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    I can understand the connotation that "coder" has for you. It does have a newbie feel to it.

    In my opinion, "developer" is a fine word but maybe self-proclaiming with "software engineer" isn't modest. Maybe. 🤔

    As someone who used to teach CS at a college (and I hated being called "Professor" because it made me feel old and I don't have a PhD, yet), I'd like to comment on and agree that some schools are definitely lacking in preparing CS students for working as a dev in the industry.
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    @sleepyDevHead If modest is what i am shooting for.. Yes.. Developer is fine.. But the problem is with the expert developers , who think calling software development as coding is cool. By this the entire industry, is degraded, even for those who actually deserve being called Software Engineer.
  • 2
    Side note:

    In many countries, "engineer" is a protected title, which requires a specific education to qualify for, and in some cases calling yourself an engineer can also bring increased legal liabilities.
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