
PSA: start writing a cover letter, a resume, a references list and a CV now! Doesn’t matter if you are perfectly happy in your job! By the time something comes up it will be too late or something will prevent you from making it as good as it could be! These things take forever to write well!

This is has been especially tough for me as all my previous jobs have been the type that they were surprised to see I had a resume. Compiling years of professional experience into a decent looking document was a whole other rodeo. And now jobs are looking for CV’s which is a whole other other rodeo.

  • 3
    My cv is a json api, if a company doesnt like it, i probably dont wanna work there anyways
  • 2
    @sharktits that’s slick
  • 0
    Update: can’t recommend the resume building resources on manager-tools.com enough! They are real recruiters and HR pros and they love simple resumes. They want to know what you did and how well you did it. Clean and minimal white space is the way to go!
  • 0
    It's great that you prepared so thoroughly. And that provided not only a biography, but also a letter of purpose and a resume. Initially, I prepared only biographies and did not do it very well.
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