
To all you linux fans out there:
What DE/WM would you use for a 2 monitor desktop setup?
I’ve tried i3 and a couple major DEs (xfce, gnome, kde,...) and i don’t really have a strong preference for either.
I like the efficiency of i3 but also the ease of use of - say - xfce. I’d definitely use i3 on a laptop, but i dunno what i should go for on desktop... recommendations?

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    I rock i3 with dual monitors and urge you to go for it again. With my custom keybindings i never have to touch d mouse to navigate and this is a bliss on dual monitors and the virtual desktops are great here.
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    My favorite is i3, and if I don't use that I go for KDE. Both are fast and highly configurable and at least I always miss i3 sooner or later when I try something else.

    In the end most are pretty good nowadays, even Gnome if you have a super computer.
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    no DE, just Openbox. perfection.
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    i have always loved xfce and its not buggy so xfce is always the best choice for me
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    I use LXDE, but I think I would prefer to just use Openbox, and set up my monitors with xrandr.
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