I just lost all of the images of a website of a client

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    Has Google saved them?
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    And all of a sudden the other devs left the room...
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    No problem, just restore them from your daily backup. And data that aren't backuped are not important anyway.
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    Sadly I was just about to create a backup server 😭
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    @localjoost external harddrives are also an intermediate solution. But having no backups at all means not having any important data by definition.
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    If you visit the Web site in a Web browser and set your system clock backwards, you can take new screenshots with faked timestamps. Noone will know they aren't the originals.
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    @Fast-Nop You sir, are very right ;)
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    @jAsE hahaha exactly what I did too
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    @heyheni Removed the folder instead of a file :(
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    @localjoost when I make severe changes, I usually make a copy of the whole folder first. OK, at work, we have SVN where IT backs up shit, but at home, I keep it to a minimum. Often with USB sticks for project backup. Totally unprofessional and ridiculous, but works. ^^

    And, seriously, I hope you didn't lose too much time with that accident.
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    @CoffeeNcode I have used this once to get an old css file and images back xD
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    @Fast-Nop As a very unexperienced programmer, I feel like your comment is slapping me in the face for not thinking daily backups are 'that important'
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    @jonathannerat for my most important side project with literally years of work in it, I even have backups on my work PC in my company. If my house burns down, I have at least covered that part.

    I also can recommend Clonezilla to you, for full disk backups. It's great and free and even open source.
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    Lol 😂

    That sucks man,
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    @localjoost I know that it is generally bad practice to store binary data in git, but still. This would have been one command to restore the directory. Also remember you don't have to have a server for git, you can have a local repo in a directory which you can just move and copy around, everything will be contained in the .git directory. On almost every project, the first thing I do is to run git init.
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    Been there done that, I feel for you
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    May the force be with you
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    Is that a website that's made too look like your client, that you then photographed with your camera, and finally lost the images?
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    @bootleg-dev What is that 'one command to restore it' you're talking about?
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    Well guys, in the end all the images we're uploaded by the client again and I immediately made a backup after 😅

    In the near future I'd like to create a back-up server for all images and data in all repositories
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    @localjoost git checkout <deleted folder name>
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    @bootleg-dev The folder was ignored with gitignore
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    @localjoost Well then ... but I even commit binaries to git when working on a project alone, so there is that.
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    @bootleg-dev the images are uploaded by the client, on the server. I'm not gonna commit every image they upload
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    @localjoost Yes, that depends on the workflow, so I guess when the client uploads the image themselves they will definitely have copies (as they did).
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    @localjoost search for a data recovery tool? It's scary amazing how much you can undelete.
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    Backups, backups and more backups! Hopefully you now realize how important they are :)
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    @jAsE haha, now that's some bad luck! Good thing that you were able to restore from a cloud backup. But for increased hard drive investor attraction, be sure to make an extra backup in the blockchain running on an IoT device as well (:
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