4 types of human awake on 3am. Couldn't agree more. What do you think!!

  • 0
    @NoNameCode but it's 3am. My gf does only one thing at that time - 'snorts'..;)
  • 1
    and the programmers are the most productive, coz we're earning😇

    but we'd be fucked if the gamer was a pro, he'd be raking in the millions😤
  • 0
    @leviathan07 You forgot about that guy 😅. He might be making money out of 💦💦
  • 10
    plot twist: the rest of the people is masturbating with the lights off.
  • 1
    hey yea I just realized, no one needs lights on, what are backlit keyboards for!!
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    @kanduvisla and the batman is fapping in the sky😂😂
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    maybe the emotionally broken?
  • 2
    I am at least 2 of those. And I'm not saying I'm batman but no one has ever seen him and I in the same room at the same time.
  • 1
    Excuse me Batman wouldn't be in the air when it's the 3rd Tuesday of the month! You'll find him masturbating in the sprinklers at that time!
  • 0
    The masturbator is clearing its cache
  • 2
    wake up at 3? you mean an hour before bed
  • 0
    I am all of these.
  • 0
    @Xmiq do you ever sleep bro!
  • 0
    @infekted usually 4am to 12pm
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