
What the hecking heck. My Javascript doesn't work in Edge EXCEPT for when I open - only open - the developer console, then everything works fine. And it is hard to debug stuff without developer tools, especially since Edge doesn't note console.info when the developer console is closed.
(No, I'm not even using external scripts)

  • 3
    Do you trigger something on resize ?
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    For the most part I think edge is underrated, pretty fast and not so resource hungry. But this... I have no words
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    Haven’t heard of this issue

    @trode some windows 10 user actually use edge now as the default because ms keeps on digging their dicks on them
  • 4
    @trode Fun fact:

    Just because YOU don't use edge doesn't mean others don't use it.

    And when you have a job, you kinda have to make the project to the specifications of the client.
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    I've had race conditions manifest this way. The processing delay from having Dev tools open causes side effects.
  • 5
    Oh god... This reminds me an issue I had with IE8...

    The "console" object was undefined before opening the console.

    So, calling a console.log() with the console closed produced an invisible error.

    The solution was wrapping all the console.log() calls in this way:

    if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {



    I hope you are experimenting a different issue, because it would be embarrassing they are carrying on this error from IE8 era.
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    We are talking about a simple drag and drop via jquery. Nothing asynchronous, no ajax calls.
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    @xonya nope, that's not the cause, yet I also thaught about that bug
  • 4
    Wow. I just rebooted and now it works in edge (and yes I always use Strg F5)
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    @jaytar That's living in the edge: Heisenbug repaired by THW good ol' turning on and off again.
  • 0
    I had a similar issue a few years ago. I was working with knockout and was trying to synchronise some components, when I had the console open for some reason the script ran slow enough to allow them to initialise and sync
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