  • 5
    John i feel your pain..
  • 5
    Fuck! I'm about to kick-start with Xamarin. This doesn't look like a good sign to me.
  • 3
    @error503 GL HF xD i usw xamarin. It is getting better but hell the compile time is so long
  • 0
    Could someone explain why this is? I was thinking about moving from android only to ta cross platform with xamarin and I'm scared now!
  • 1
    @115105109 If you don't need that much platform specific code working with Xamarin Forms and dependency injection isn't that bad. But you will run into some things that feel very complicated and stupid. Especially if you know the "native way". Working with images for example can be pain in the ass, because Xamarin Image performance is very bad. If you take three pictures with the cam and add them into a stacklayout wich is in a frame - it feels like 10 FPS when scrolling :D

    But yeah.. I think it isn't that bat at all. If you can share most of the code in your project Xamarin will save a lot of time.
  • 2
    @115105109 and.. If you really want to go cross platform I think Xamarin is much better than Cordova
  • 1
    @115105109 @error503 If you take every meme here seriously, you wouldn't be able to fukin code anything!!
  • 0
    @Klatschen how about Xamarin vs React? I'm torn between them and want to know which should i learn. (Suppose I don't want to use Forms)
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    @115105109 If you are already a web developer, I say go with React.

    If you have a choice, go with Xamarin. It gives a lot better performance.

    React is only "Native UI“. Which means behind the scenes, it is JS code calling native apis. On the other hand Xamarin compiles into the same byte code you would get in native.

    Plus the thing i really liked about Xamarin is they have fabulous support. Any new platform specific feature is available in Xamarin with a day or two after release.

    But some people (specially web devs) find React easy to learn. There's a learning curve in xamarin specially if you are new to dotnet, but it's totally worth it!

    Plus if you already do Native on Android or iOS, there're options to write UI the same way you would on each, with only Business logic in C#.
  • 2
    @115105109 @DangerousDev I totally agree with DangerousDev.. At the end you got the choice between .NET and web technology..
  • 1
    @DangerousDev this is exactly the comparison I needed and couldn't find. Since I know android native and know nothing about web development, I'll go with Xamarin and just learn iOS ui creation. Thanks a million for this.
  • 1
    @Klatschen .NET sounds better. Let's see why some people love C# so much!
  • 0
    @desirous Have you tried Xamarin.Android (or Xamarin.ios) ? You can write the same XML UI code in xamarin as you would in Native Android so I don't really see the validity of your point. 🤔

    In my experience, I've always found React UI capabilities similar to Xamarin.forms. I think they both kinda have similar limitations on that front.

    Although you experience may be diff, since doing UI like web and using XAML or XML have very different experience and i the end it blils down to what yoj are confortable with!
  • 0
    @desirous I think you are talking about early days of previewer 😅 God, those days it was a pain!!
    But now it has gotten a lot better! I think the experience may be a little slow on hdd(I used to use a year ago), not sure what has changed but it works like breeze for me these days. 😬
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