
How to look like a wizard by doing pretty much nothing.

Open inspect element infront of people who cant program, and do something. They'll think you're a genius for changing a picture.

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    @fatlard1993 Hahaha, I like that! Genius what one can write pressing just one key :-)
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    I got someone into programming that way. Firstly editing news sites to make funny headlines. Then doing one-liners on the console. She's now in the head office web dev team at a major national supermarket chain :D
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    I do it in Starbucks. "Opens chrome dev tools, leave to get coffee" so ppl can see 😁
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    Hey did you know i can hack facebook?
    (opens firebug, changes top bar into reddish color)
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    @fatlard1993 You're my today's hero
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    Better yet: go to Amazon.com and inspect element, change the price to 20 dollars, print the page, head to Walmart and collect Playstation on price match discount. Tell people you hacked into amazon and performed the price change. #hackrlyfe420
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    @nicbovee convinced that wouldn't work but a for effort should at least get you a discount.
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