  • 28
    Wait what?!?!

    Facebook is over 150MB on iOS?!?!?!
  • 19
    @lxmcf You know what? it is actually 313 MB
  • 9
    @ashokramcse ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ wtf
  • 6
    Shit why is it so heavy?
  • 6
    hahaha yeah i was more surprised by the 150+ rather than apple forcing the wifi...wtf Facebook
  • 11
    @CodeBane android only suggests it, but then, iOS is built for idiots who wouldn't know the difference between mobile and wifi...

    Also, mobile carriers have made Crapple remove features that would cost them money, such as tethering, multiple times... One of these things is happening here.

    Also, why would anyone download or use Facebook?
  • 5
    iOS11? Set the clock forward a couple of days

    iOS12? I haven’t tried but I’ll assume it still works for now.
  • 8
    Classic Apple - Restricting users since birth.
  • 0
    @lxmcf wait you download the official app?
  • 0
    @ashokramcse If my mind serves me right that number is the total amount of disk consumed by the app, including cache and other files created.

    The size app store shows is the size of the app itself.
  • 2
    I feel your pain. I have unlimited data plan, but apple knows better.
  • 5
    Why would you *ever* install facebook?
  • 1
    Atleast that's why there's a Lite.
  • 4
    @Root Why would you *ever* have a facebook account?

    But I think they need quite a lot of space for the spy/malware code in the app ;)
  • 0
    i have an iphone, and i'd say 2/3 of the blame for the huge app size goes to facebook at least
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