I'm too lazy to learn git, every time I try to push something, I always get an error that I can't solve.
So instead I email all my projects to myself, save them in a pen or Google Drive.

  • 12
    Wtf is wrong with you
  • 1
    @D--M it's my own projects, it doesn't really matter.
  • 7
    I'm to lazy to save my project to pen, google drive or whatever. So every time I have at least 5 lines of code on my machine I push it to a new git repository 🧐
  • 7
    git init
    git remote add origin https://url-to/repo.git
    # create a file
    git add .
    git commit -m “this is my new repo”
    git push -u origin master
    git checkout -b develop
    git push -u origin develop
    Do a bunch of changes
    git add path/to/file.ext
    git commit -m “added X”
    git push origin develop
    # now depending on your workflow
    # login to github/other and raise pull request to master and merge
    # return to console
    git checkout master
    git pull origin master

    # want to do merges in cli?
    git checkout master
    git merge develop
    git push origin master
    That’s literally all you’ll ever need as a solo contributor.

    Oh and I’m on my phone using muscle memory 😶
  • 3
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    No Git? That's what hell is made of...
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    @cantthinkofone m8 it really does matter tho since routine doesn't care about weather or not it's personal projects
  • 4
    Oh God.. during debugging, think of all the blame just because there's no git blame 😰
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    @Condor it's laravel, there is almost no debug
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    @cantthinkofone but have you never wondered what change you made last week on that file over there and what crashed the app? I'm not a Laravel dev so no idea about debugging in it, but I just can't see how I could develop without tracking changes 😕
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    @Condor well, in the project I'm doing now I'm writing everything on trello, like what I need to do, what I have already done, the changes I'm making, what I still have to change, everything. So I can still keep track of what I've done!

    The projects I did before were always kind of small so I didn't feel the need to do all of that.
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    @cantthinkofone Even for small projects, version control is a must (doesn't matter if solo dev or a team).
    How else would you track changes in code or track your releases or milestones?
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    @PonySlaystation I just never felt like I needed any of that. Never had any releases, and milestones where always just "get this ready before this day"
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    @cantthinkofone here's how to deal with Git: https://xkcd.com/1597/

    (and yes, Git's UI sucks more than a US hoover plugged into European wall power.)
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    @Fast-Nop Ah! Makes sense now! Thank you! 😂
  • 1
    Same. Then i discovered svn which a lot easier to use. Git feels like u have to waste hours figuring out why its not working instead of putting the time in the actual project.
  • 2
    If you aren't willing to learn git, then i would question a lot of your abilities. The industry changes a lot, and most Devs embrace new tech, and are expected to change with it. Git is not new and widely used. It would make me question your ability to develop software in 2018
  • 0
    Wow!!! This is out there for sure.
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    In some countries people would burn you for saying such a thing.

    Now you know how bad it is, go study before it gets too warm.
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    Oh-my-zsh is what you need
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    @eletious my carrer is really short, I've been working for 6 months!
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    @LombArd I don't think knowing or not knowing git has any influence on either someone's ability to develop.

    I'm 20yo, I've been introduced to git sometime last year, and never felt the necessity to use it because all my project are small and I just never needed it. I've used it, but only successfully when someone is around me helping me, and we still spend and unnecessary amout of time arroud it, trying to make it work. Git gives you so many errors, that I've spent hours trying to fix and nothing ever works. Even a professor didn't know how to solve one of the error I got and he works with it every day!
    It's a no from me ✌️ at least not while I don't even need it for my job.
  • 2
    @LombArd we're using SVN because Tortoise-SVN works nicely, and nobody here has time to fuck around with an inconsistent, weird shit CLI like Git's. And face it, you will fall back to CLI with Git.

    Version control is a helper tool, and that has to be simple enough even after 3 months of non usage. Plus that most teams aren't a 1000 devs world wide, but a few in the same building where SVN is perfectly fine.
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