
This cracked me up

  • 44
    God needs sudo?
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    sudo rm -rf /
  • 14
    sudo shutdown now
  • 20
    Srsly, why do people want to suicide so much?
  • 9
    @JohanO God knows the password
  • 15
    Create a script to remove person with low IQ
  • 4
    `make tea`
  • 17
    @devTea why not create a script to make their IQ higher?
  • 27
    @D3add3d earth is overpopulated anyway

    And removing is easier than fixing it
  • 4
    @devTea Agree 100%, starting with my class
  • 8
    @devTea that's Thanos level dangerous
  • 12
    `sudo chmod -R 777 /`

    `mv ~/governments /dev/null`

    @devTea overpopulation is because of SQL, everyone knows relational databases don't scale yOu ShoULd tRY moNgoDb becAuSE mOnGoDB is WEb ScALe /s
  • 2
    @115105109 snap them
  • 6
    The part about removing viruses is dangerous... I‘m not sure the human race wouldn‘t be considered a virus too.
  • 3
    @115105109 perfectly balanced. As all things should be

    Since the amount of fucktard and toxic people is like 1000:1 to nice people

    @woodworks RdBms 1z 0Ld M0nGoDeBih iz za fiucer
  • 3
    @115105109 Just because he's the villain doesn't mean he's wrong
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    @devTea @HRT-713 to be honest i completely get that, as long as perishees are carefully selected...*thinks about ex-boss*
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    @115105109 I mean I agree with Thanos as he didn't choose who to kill and they didn't feel pain, they were just completely removed from existence. He saw the problem in overpopulation and fixed it.
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    @HRT-713 no i'm saying he should've chosen who to destroy, some people really deserve it. But some are helping fix the problem he's killing for, like Elon Musk. And there's dfox and trogos... I would personally feel so bored (and quite honestly lost at times) if those guys didn't exist and didn't make this place
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    @JohanO God is sudo
  • 4
    Even God doesn't log in under root :-p
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    @115105109 What is Elon Musk doing to fix that problem? I nean I know he started SpaceX and Tesla and the solar panel company but I don't understand how those will help fix overpopulation
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    @HRT-713 well he's laying the first stones to man leaving this planet, therefore there would be more places for us to live in.
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    @115105109 Yeah but I feel like he's more of a dreamer than a realist, I mean he believes we'll have a Mars colony by 2024 which is quite impossible, even at the rate of which technology is evolving nowadays.
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    This should be a week rant topic
  • 4
    @HRT-713 well I don't really know about the tech behind it, but he usually gets stuff done on time - i guess. He's a weird dude, I think he can do this not long after that deadline!
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    @115105109 I hope so, there's a lot of promise in it, yet something we are going to have to come to terms with is that no matter where humans go, they will always turn everything to shit, it's the human condition.
  • 2
    @JohanO but but what if the God is drunk and decide to play with the terminal, sudo is bit safe 😃
  • 1
    I would return status code 418 to every prayer.

    Then I would set a cron job to kill some people off.
  • 1
    Ah, -rf is not supposed to be there. Still good though.
  • 1
    @devTea come on don’t be evil (inner me agrees with you)
  • 0
    I think they meant sudo systemctl start magicd.service
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