Matched with a girl on Tinder who studies Artificial Intelligence.

Me: "I see you study AI, how cool! Is it hard?"

She hasn't texted back for 3 days

What did I do wrong?

  • 27
    "Is it hard" I think that's your sin
  • 4
    @irene @rutee07 I can't see anything but a lollipop in that round one
  • 38
    I suggest you read this.
  • 8
  • 4
    Doesn’t support transparent pngs.
  • 0
    did she read ur message and leave u on seen or did she not read it at all?
  • 2
    @gitpush hard is not pronounced the same in Dutch (moeilijk) happily
  • 2
    @SukMikeHok You can't see that in Tinder
  • 0
    Any suggestions?
  • 3
    @localjoost happens to me all the time, read the book someone suggested in the comments above
  • 9
    People go on Tinder to get a good dicking these days.

    Bringing up what they study 5+ days a week isn't exactly something I'd want to have "deep" and "intellectual" conversations about when my end goal is sex and distraction from the hell that's called school.
  • 3
    @rutee07 My orientation was literally swiping through everyone and seeing the same people a second time.

    All while only getting ONE fucking match.
  • 0
    @Stebner55 That gave me a good laugh. Thanks!
  • 5
    "I see you study AI. That's great and all but it can't be harder than the 7 inch surprise I've got in store."
  • 3
    @trollonaboat Bravo

    That's how tinder works. Gotta include something about a schlong ass dick in your first message lol
  • 4
    @rutee07 That's a keeper you take out more than once lmao
  • 1
    @rutee07 someone said recently you should read this !
  • 0
    I guess so many NLP beginner guy that using Twitter for their exampler would avoid women users approximately up to 50% due to lack of times while modeling.
  • 0
    @rutee07 I don't think so, the speaker didn't even have enough time to explain why, because they're contradict in every state.

    That's the reason why I never have gf.
    Woman are so confusing especially for a new guy she meet, I didn't have time to play with it.
  • 2
    She probably lost you in the 10k other messages, 8k of which asked about the same thing.
  • 2
    I think she's trainig her model to answer you propperly
  • 2
    @Charon92 You don't question it.

    It's just how it goes.
  • 0
    She probably doesnt want to talk about work.
  • 0
    @Santaclauze Haha and exactly how do you know? We are being conclusive ain't we? Haha it just maybe she hasn't been on Tinder for the last 3 days.
  • 0
    Hahaha that's the way of life bro. Once in a while you will and need to get curved by them shawtys. Tinder realities. For real though brother to brother that kind of ice breaker 80% of the time fails on Tinder. I'd grade that game as C-. You need to set yourself apart from other matches.

    Anyway maybe she hasn't even logged on to Tinder. Be patient.
  • 0
    @kortnevdmitriy Thats why the sentence includes “probably”.
  • 0
    Nothing, just another bitch on a dating app, nothing new...
  • 0
    Most people are just looking for validation. Don't let it get to you, it's just adversarial inout that will decrease your confidence.

    That being said this is a missed opportunity for ML pickup lines:

    "Come over and see if you can fit on my big data"

    "Are you a low frequency dataset because my heart is overfitting on you"

    "You can't be too loud or the k nearest neighbours will wake up"

    "Let's start with kissing and run gradient descent down from there 😏"

    "Matching me was a mistake but you'll need to make some more to cut your losses"

    "Let's meet up and watch inception, and then maybe I can put my Common Object in your Context"

    "Are you a sequence to sequence model because I'd love to embed my 4 letter word in you"

    "Teach me how to build an LSTM so I can find the timesteps to win your heart"
  • 0
    "Are you a gated recurrent unit because I'm going to go through the front and then you can open the gates to the back"

    "Can I come over and show you my new loss function? I call it hardmax"

    "Can I plug my discriminator into your generator?"

    "Let me put my inputs in your network and then you can multiply"

    "I may be the furthest node on the decision tree but I'll xgboost your confidence"

    "I've got the kmeans to make you scream"

    "I'm like state of the art object detection in bed; single shot and faster (rcnn)"
  • 2
    hm.. I somehow married my tinder match
  • 0
  • 0
    I'm not much into this only sex thing on Tinder. But it's also not like I desperately searching for a girl. I'm just looking for a nice conversation with someone.

    Maybe Tinder isn't a platform for me
  • 0
    @irene very true. I've had some ideas for dating apps myself. But these are one of the thousands of ideas of course
  • 1
    May be she was a tinder bot, who was studying humans to gain artificial intelligence.
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