
Been working on one of my websites. Lots of Javascript dynamic page loading and stuff. Wondering how everyone thinks it looks and how I can improve the UI/UX.


  • 3
    I dig it man, its beautiful and firts my phone screen pretty well. Just wondering what you think about adding some space between cards here:
  • 2
    @AleCx04 Oof, I completely forgot to test the mobile view. Yeah, I definitely want to add some spacing there.
  • 2
    The music page Looks good, as @AleCx04 said more space needed between the cards for mobile.

    Also my adblocker is blocking the icons on the home page 🤔probably a naming convention issue, and is there something missing here or is it just a logo and icons?
  • 1
    @C0D4 It's just a logo and icons. Not really sure why the icons aren't showing up on some of them. They're just Font Awesome icons.
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