I am a programmer and i have never written bad code

  • 17
    I feel that it's really sad that politics has become such a joke as a profession. We need good politicians, and we need politics to become something that legit people actually want to do as a career.
  • 13
    I am a programmer and can accurately estimate tasks
  • 14
    I am a programmer and I use HTML
  • 5
    I'll refractor this tomorrow 🙈
  • 7
    I've never written a bad code. The problem is with the compiler which refuses to obey my commands.
  • 6
    Thats my secret. It's all bad code...
  • 2
    @RememberMe All of the good politicians get eaten alive by the bad ones and the media. So.
  • 1
    @Root yeah, that's why I also wrote that we need politics to become a desirable career option.
  • 2
    I am a good programmer wearing a suit.
  • 1
    I am a programmer and I will write the test later.
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