
Ubuntu 18.04 is a fucking joke

  • 8
    Can you explain why ?
  • 6
    @osx94 i believe is lag, unnecessarily heavy, bloated.

    Thats why i move to Pop! OS
  • 8
    @osx94 it glitches around the whole time, wlan doesn't really work (i'm sitting next to my fucking router and it loses connection without being able to reconnect) and i have the feeling it uses all 3ghz of my notebook just to process it's existence without performing any tasks (judging by the fan noise) and still the cpu scaling is shit.
    I can't use my bluetooth speaker. Changing some simple settings needs 15 google tabs and 200 steps to change said setting.

    Might not be ubuntus problem: nodejs crashes every 20 minutes.

    Ubuntu 16.xx looked shitty af but it was efficient..
  • 3
    Install Gentoo then
  • 25
    Hello, I've come here to talk about Arch Linux
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    Just to add to the pain: why is turning bluetooth and wifi off equal to "oh lets turn airplane mode on" - what the fucking hell.
    It angers me because Ubuntu is meant to be an easy peasy enduser operating system. The Linux for windows-kids (like myself). But it's just a fucken inperformant, good-looking mess.. :D
  • 7
    @nitwhiz "inperformant, good-looking mess" Isn't that exactly what Windows is? If Ubuntu is as bad as you say then I'd say it does a perfect job at mimicking Windows.
  • 0
    Ubuntu before unity update was great but after that I moved to Debian because I had a lot of problems.
  • 6
    Hello I've come to talk about a downgrade to 16.04.
  • 1
    Wow, it's amazing how much trouble you can avoid by simply not using gnome. Bionic has been great for me, both on a laptop, and on a proper desktop.
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    Turning off Bluetooth does nothing like that. What app are you using to manage Bluetooth?
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    @bahua "Settings".
    But yeah, you're right, it must be mostly Gnome..
  • 6
    Hi I've come to talk about using wind-
    *gets punched in d face*
  • 2
    Kubuntu is your friend. Ubuntu has become the Windows/macOS of Linux distros.
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    @bahua @620hun I have noticed the same. I use kubuntu and I don't even know half the prbs everyone here is saying.

    But kubuntu has a few prbs of its own.
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    @faheel HP 15-ba077ng
  • 2
    Ubuntu is a joke.
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    @wowotek Pop! OS looks really nice...
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    @FlipFloop it does, and it feels more lightweight than Ubuntu18.04
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    I code in a VM with Ubuntu 14.04 and using Ubuntu 18.04 as a host.
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    Lol upgrading to it is a joke,kernel fucked up my wifi driver and gave hardware errors and now after wasting a day I had to reinstall 😒
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    There's no reason to switch to a completely different distro. Why do people do this?
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    @MrJimmy I believe when unmounting the usb it will finish the progress. Altough I am not sure.
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    @wowotek @FlipFloop @boopboop pop os looks fucking gorgeous. Although for my taste it's trying a bit too hard to jump on the python-machine-learning-buzzword train with it's promo page.
    Going to check it out tho.
  • 0
    Is popos based on gnome?
    Looks something of a hybrid between gnome and kde
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    It's just a modified Gnome.
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