
i am at the point of deep depression again as a CS student. a few weeks back and forward is a busy weeks with a lot of team projects/research. as always, team project never be as smooth as i expect, I always who be the one who work in the project with the rest of the team and they doesn't even care what the project does.

also a few week forward there will be a Leadership Training, and i just quit from it, why ? because i need sleep. why again ? BECAUSE I AM THE *ONLY* ONE WHO WORK ON THE PROJECT YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT, i am the one who can't sleep everyday working on the project scraping the deadline and class hour.

why i drop important thing (Leadership Training) just to keep me from depriving my sleep and to keep the project up while the team disregard me? am i being too humble yet i just rant about "don't be too humble".

..i...i just... I just can't take it anymore. :( god help me

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    Always take care of yourself first, there will never be an rnding for work or project, is this school projects?
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    Just report to your professor about your teammates
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    You have to be selfish in this case. Health is more important than anything else. Would it matter if you died? Do people give shit about you if you died? Would the world care if you died?
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    @devTea yep semester project
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    @ausername i really want to, but i just can't
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    I'm with @ausername. You **really** need to report them. What they are doing is completely unprofessional and it needs to stop. You can keep telling yourself that it's fine and you can't report them but you really have to.

    1. You won't suffer because of it. If they try to backlash in any way then they are terrible people who shouldn't even be at school let alone in a CS degree track.

    2. This will make you a stronger person because you should never have to put up with this kind of stuff. Even if you are in college you still need to make sure you take care of yourself first and others second.

    If this happened at my place of work and it did happen to me too in college. I reported my teammates immediately. They learned real quick after getting a pretty bad grade and my grade being scaled because I was the only one working on it that they shouldn't mess around.
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    Use version control and show the commit history to the professor
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    @petru exactly if you’re using version control you can simply show the commit history and multiple forms to prove your case. I’ve have been in similar situations before. It’s frustrating but it will happen. Establishing a DTR in the beginning of the project will also help your case and you can always refer back to it when approaching the collaborators. If they still are not keeping their end of what you established in the DTR it shows a clear message to your professor. You simply report to your professor “here is what we agreed upon, here is where we sat down and DTR’d together, here is the commit log. Also using something simple like waffle.io or Trello and assigning parts of the project to someone can help prove your point.
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    @wowotek last year I was in a similar situation as you are right now. I straight up told my teammates that if you don't do shit, you won't get shit. So when the time came for evaluation, I just told the professor who did what work. What's the worst that could happen? They're not doing anything anyways
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    I'm a healthier human being since I started asking my professors to do teamwork all by myself, they are often more lenient since you are all alone and you don't have to deal with lazy or inexperienced teammates.
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    @JKyll Lucky. I wound up quitting a coding bootcamp in part because the first half was stuff I already knew and I was only in it for the later things like Node and Ruby. I was nearly on par with the teacher, and yet I still got harassed every single session when I, having already finished the assignment for the week ignored the "get into groups" call for practice time.
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    Sounds like stress, not depresion.
    Anyway, leadership training is not important, search YouTube for one if those.

    While at it, search for time management and communication stuff, you need to talk your shit out and to stand for yourself
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    Been there done that.

    Your brain gets big, theirs shrivels.

    Is like working out. Pain is when weakness is leaving your body.

    Part of the trick here is to go to office hours and discuss with the prof. Do it several times. He / She will notice who is putting in the time to ensure the project does not fail.

    I hate to say it but you will see this in the real world. It happens more in web development than C level development but it still happens occasionally as the C level slackers
  • 5
    You can:
    A. Not taking it seriously since it’s just school project
    B. At least force them to do something through chat, if they still didn’t do anything just ignore them, or report to the prof
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    I'm currently a 5th semester cs student, so I can relate to your strugles. However before I decided to get a "formal degree" I've worked for 8+ years in the "industry" (web dev) During that time, I was responsible to hire 2 people.

    All I can tell you about hireing, is that:
    first of all, no one fullfills the "requirements" (and if they do you can't afford them...) So don't be afraid to apply to a job you aren't "qualified" to. Especially if you studied CS. Most people will be able to analyce an algorithm for it's running time and tell you what a monad is, but once confronted with realworld (legacy) code, they don't know shit.

    Second: we usually had a "coding part" some increassingly hard problems, where we expected most candidates to solve 1 or 2 out of 3 (not algorithms but real live decisions). In these hands on expirience is key

    Once you've mad it through round twi there was the real interview. In this we specially asked about side projects (and/or repos on their public github profile). For the rare case they didn't have those, we've asjed about school projects. And this is where you come in. Assuming you pass stuff like coding interviews. That's the stage (in German we say "die Spreu trennt sich vom Weizen", which roughly translates to seeing who walks the walk and who talks the talk...) In this stage you find out who is passionated and knows there stuff and who isn't or has to admit that some part, (a.k.a. the main part), in a project they just told you they "did", some one else has done (a.k.a. you).

    In short: don't feel bad. Feel proud about what you're able to do. A recruiter will be able to tell the difference between a "know it all" and a dev. You're the second one.

    Good luck <3
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